Analog open reel multitrac tape recorders


New member
I am on the market for a used multitrac recorder from the research i have done i finde that all the big guys working for major record companys Sony records etc. use high end analog open reel recorders as there multi trac recorder. From other reasearch i have done i finde that a new open reel recorder cost about the same as a new digital multitrac recorder. So far i am convinced to buy a open reel as my multi tarc from the reachearch i have done but first i want to know what to look for in a used analog multitrac open reel recroder and why they are so much more popular among the pro's. If you can help me out i thank you

anlogking said:
I am on the market for a used multitrac recorder from the research i have done i finde that all the big guys working for major record companys Sony records etc. use high end analog open reel recorders as there multi trac recorder. From other reasearch i have done i finde that a new open reel recorder cost about the same as a new digital multitrac recorder. So far i am convinced to buy a open reel as my multi tarc from the reachearch i have done but first i want to know what to look for in a used analog multitrac open reel recroder and why they are so much more popular among the pro's. If you can help me out i thank you


Just for fun, what open reel multi-track recorder (new) costs the same as a digital multi-track? If you know of one, please tell us as I would buy it today (or sooner). The only new pro multi-track analog machine I know of is like $50,000. For that price (24 track), you could have like 50 digital multi-track machines.
actualy you can spen up to $100,000 on custome made a digital and about the same for a costom open reel. I am not planning on spending that much. i am looking for something more entery level and used and you can get then for about $100-$200 on ebay if the need repair I just want to know what to look for in a used entery level one
$100 to $200 for a R to R multitrack? Where I live a reel of 2" tape costs 199.50 euro, which is $239.40.

I have more than 100 reels of 2" tape. Do you have any idea how much it costs to maintain a multitrack R to R? And the big board you need to have as well?

OTOH I was with a famous pianoplayer today in his studio and we listened to a Diana Krall CD and a vinyl with the same kind of music from 1958.

The vinyl sounded way better, very detailed with an awesome piano sound. I don't have to explain this was recorded R to R back in 1957.

But it sure is the most expensive way of recording music.