Is there an easy way to change snares in SD 2 to one from another expansion/kit?


New member
Hi guys n' gals
Basically I have one expansion kit (Metal Foundry) which I have mixed to high heaven until it sounds good to my ears but theres one thing really bugging me, the snares. The sound I am looking for just isn't in the set of snares on this kit but it is in Avatar. So, my question is, is there an easy way to replace the snare with another one from the Avatar kit? If there isn't I'm thinking it might be possible to somehow swap the .obw files of one snare drum in Metal Foundry with another one from Avatar. To be honest I can't see this working so I don't want to go messing around until I have ruled out all other options, infact I can almost guarantee it won't work :P

So any other methods before I go breaking Superior would be great!
Thanks! :D
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You have to create an xdrum.

Once you do just save it as a preset and it's easy to get back to that point.

It's worth watching the tutorials on toontrack's website.

Also: It's worth picking up Metal Machine EZX once it goes on sale again (EZX works in superior).
The whole kit sounds really good.
Nice, thanks for the tip!
It's weird, I have been using Superior for years now and I never knew you were able to do that through X-drum, so yea I will definitely look into the rest of there tut's for anything else I may have missed. I do have Metal Machine laying around somewhere so I will install it and check out the tones through Superior. Now I can mix and match the more drums the better!
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