Zoom U-44 Issue on Input 2


New member
I'm an amateur and beginner at audio recording on my new Zoom U-44. So I may have done something wrong in the process of using it.

Something happened while I was using it, the input I would use for my condenser microphone (Input 2) suddenly peaks at gain level 3, and then stops outputting any sound to the RCA line outputs after turning it beyond gain level 3. It does not get any louder unlike how Input 1 would normally do it. Furthermore, if Input 2's gain is set to 0-3, it would make this garbled white-static noise in the background. Moving the gain knob would create a noise, and when it does output a sound, it's horribly amplified* (?). I don't know what caused it. Neither the microphone nor cable could've caused it - I don't know what could've broken it.

I would like to ask if it can be fixed and if it can be prevented so Input 1 does not suffer the same fate.

I just got it brand new as a birthday gift. It'd be so much of a shame if in the first week I got it, it stops working as I had hoped it to.
Without seeing the unit I can't tell - it sounds like your unit is broken - at least from the description - is it under warranty?
Does the same thing happen if you use headphones? Are you using direct monitoring (the control nearest you)? Is input 1 working as expected? If so then it looks like you have a faulty U-44.
Without seeing the unit I can't tell - it sounds like your unit is broken - at least from the description - is it under warranty?
Oouch. Looks like I'll have it be sent to be repaired to a licensed repair shop. It was recently bought too, 10th of August, 2023. I do not know of its warranty status as it was bought from abroad (it was cheaper that way).
Does the same thing happen if you use headphones? Are you using direct monitoring (the control nearest you)? Is input 1 working as expected? If so then it looks like you have a faulty U-44.
The Level Indicator is detecting it instantly. So troubleshooting wise, I suspect that it's the gain knob, or some faulty module or part connected to it. As it stands on the Manual, after the input, it's connected to the +48V, and then to the Gain knob (the issue persists with or without enabling the +48V Phantom Power).
Oouch. Looks like I'll have it be sent to be repaired to a licensed repair shop. It was recently bought too, 10th of August, 2023. I do not know of its warranty status as it was bought from abroad (it was cheaper that way).
Doesn't matter where it is was bought - unless it was purchased off market - you warranty should be good.