Waves Puigchild


and The Brain...
Fairchild Compressor Plugin: PuigChild 660 & 670 | Waves

This is one of the final pieces to my virtual studio puzzle, but I've already accumulated several (analog modeled) compressors recently that add warm, mid eq detail. Looking at the reviews and youtube videos it seems this is one of a few go-to mastering compressors for professionals. Anyone here have experience with it?
Sorry, no---but I did want to mention that, if you have an iLok2 dongle (not just the software licenser), Stephen Slate Digital has their specialty "Monster" compressor available for free.

Fortunately I've steered clear of iLok (or at least any products requiring the dongle, I believe I have a couple plugins that required an iLok account only).

I've read a few more reviews, it wouldn't be a huge addition (I think v-comp I have will be adequate) and I might have a Fairchild model in my T-Racks bundle... so unless I see it at the $49 I've seen a few mention they paid I won't be buying it right now.
Got the new waves tune and puigchild with a coupon yesterday. Did a master with the puigchild and it does seem to bring some warmth to the mix without squashing its dynamics. I also used the GEQ to bump the kick, C6 for some specific light compression on the bass and higher vocal bands, and my L3 for a final limiter. The improvements over the original master are subtle.

2016 remaster of ACHi6kY

[this was a random track I chose to mess with (it was at the top of the alphabet soup of previous saved projects), in conjunction with some other testing I was doing]