Trump on Trial!

This part is fun also. It's about penises te he. "David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king’s son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage." I guess scalps weren't proof enough lol.
Zeig Heil! So Moses said, “This is what the Lord says: ‘About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.
You've quoted that twice now... What's your point?
This part is fun also. It's about penises te he. "David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king’s son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage." I guess scalps weren't proof enough lol.
Saul only wanted 100... David was an over achiever ;)
I don’t like you, so I haven’t been trying to interact with you. Been dealing with the reasonable folks here.
Hold it right there, leddy! Are you abandoning the principles of the 'inclusiveness' that your party is incessantly preaching and lecturing about?

Think about it, for a few minutes, and you just might realize that saying "I don't like you" was at best a poorly worded choice of words directed toward someone you have never met IRL, when in fact you could have just as easily said, "I disagree with your opinions", and leave it at that.

Sorry if it appears that I'm lecturing you, but I think that's it's all important that all of us here should be willing to read the opinions of everyone who shares their opinions. Are we in agreement?

It's rare that I agree with you, politically speaking, but I would defend the right of free speech afforded to you, me, and everyone else here at HR. We should all be thankful that HR hasn't shut down Prime Time.

Have a good night.
Hold it right there, leddy! Are you abandoning the principles of the 'inclusiveness' that your party is incessantly preaching and lecturing about?

Think about it, for a few minutes, and you just might realize that saying "I don't like you" was at best a poorly worded choice of words directed toward someone you have never met IRL, when in fact you could have just as easily said, "I disagree with your opinions", and leave it at that.

Sorry if it appears that I'm lecturing you, but I think that's it's all important that all of us here should be willing to read the opinions of everyone who shares their opinions. Are we in agreement?

It's rare that I agree with you, politically speaking, but I would defend the right of free speech afforded to you, me, and everyone else here at HR. We should all be thankful that HR hasn't shut down Prime Time.

Have a good night.
I invite you to read back about six or seven pages where he called me obstinate and a moron among other things. Now he accuses me of having an alias here. I don’t dislike him because we don’t agree, I dislike him because of the way he chooses to communicate. You’ve glossed over all of that and jumped to some conclusions here. I often don’t agree with RFR, Lou, seeker, etc, but I assume I’d like them as people IRL and show them respect. So with all due respect to you, you’re way off base here.
Wow! What a rube. You respond with no attempt at an argument, no refutation of the facts, nothing but indignation and accusations of “script following”. What you miss is that I’m not a member of a sick personality cult and I think for myself. This has nothing to do with left vs. right, it has to do with the rule of law, democracy and truth vs. criminality, authoritarianism and lies. Should you ever manage to break away from Traitor Trump’s sick personality cult, reality and decency will always be here waiting for you. Good luck MAGAt.
Beeze!! WTF is up brotha!
I’m glad I chose to engage. I’m American born in Washington DC and my ancestors fought for this nation since at least the Civil War and l’ll be god damned if I’m going to silently sit back while Traitor Trump and his simpering sycophantic moron MAGAt cultists spit on the graves of the brave men who scaled the cliffs of Normandy To defeat fascism and save democracy only to have domestic fascists, traitors and cultists threaten it from within.

I’ve said my peace and I know from 5O years of political discourse that you can’t get facts or logical argument through the thick skulls of right-wing nut jobs, so I’m done.

lol @

You mad bro?

It appears your fellow citizens are increasingly poised to vote Donald Trump in to serve another term as your president. You know, your precious"democracy" at work. What're you gonna do about it? You gonna throw yourself down on the floor, stamp your feet, and cry like a little sore loser bitch? Proclaim the majority of voters, your fellow citizens, are unworthy of democracy? Preemptively intervene to eliminate opposition? Imprison the opponent so your preferred candidate wins the election?

What do you fucking care about democracy?

All signs indicate you're going to lose, dude. So go ahead and get it out of your system, 'cause after you lose all your pissing and moaning only reveals you to be what you claim to despise.
I invite you to read back about six or seven pages where he called me obstinate and a moron among other things. Now he accuses me of having an alias here. I don’t dislike him because we don’t agree, I dislike him because of the way he chooses to communicate. You’ve glossed over all of that and jumped to some conclusions here. I often don’t agree with RFR, Lou, seeker, etc, but I assume I’d like them as people IRL and show them respect. So with all due respect to you, you’re way off base here.
Yeah, there's a silly person here that accuses me of having multiple accounts, thinks I'm someone else, and has blocked me.
Too funny...
With God, all things are possible.
With Trump, all things are clear.
With Biden, all things are l
With God, all things are possible.
With Trump, all things are clear.
With Biden, all things are well

This guy to me is looking in the mirror, and pointing out every damn thing the Dems are doing.

Funny. It's all the same. Why listen to any of this obvious bullshit....

Sorry, I haven't had time to catch up with this thread. I obviously didn't miss anything other than the same old bullshit...

We are all fucked no matter what. It's to what degree we shall be fucked. I have already made my choice of the lesser of two evils...

It's Rosie O for president! LMAO!
Lol - you ignore that no one has been charged with insurrection, Trump told no one to stage an insurrection. He encouraged people to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard. At no time did he tell anyone to act like a bunch of idiots and trespass inside the Capitol building.

By claiming otherwise you demonstrate you don't care about facts. You display a deliberate blind eye related to Joedaughtershowers. As stated you spout nonsense off the Dem script.
Absolute truth!!! ^^^
I’m glad I chose to engage. I’m American born in Washington DC and my ancestors fought for this nation since at least the Civil War and l’ll be god damned if I’m going to silently sit back while Traitor Trump and his simpering sycophantic moron MAGAt cultists spit on the graves of the brave men who scaled the cliffs of Normandy To defeat fascism and save democracy only to have domestic fascists, traitors and cultists threaten it from within.

I’ve said my peace and I know from 5O years of political discourse that you can’t get facts or logical argument through the thick skulls of right-wing nut jobs, so I’m done.
You 'said your peace'? Wow, sounded like direct hate. Ironic coming from someone who supposedly has the breath of Buddha.

You remind me of a fish I once had. Only the fish didn't talk so much bullshit...

Best to you and your hateful premise... Hurtful as it may be, you have the right to your angry opinions....