Terrys rubber rollers web site advice.


New member
Hi All

Yes, I know my web site is down. My web host no longer is doing web hosting so I have to find someplace else. My web guy has been looking but hasn't come up with anything.

Do you have any suggestions of a web hosting provider?
I've got hosting in the UK, US and Germany - being honest, they're all fine.
TSO Host, dreamhost and stratos (who have very strict unliftable filtering on what they consider junk mail).
I've had few outages, and when I've wrecked things by stupidity, they've fixed them promptly. After three attempts, one sent me a gentle email. "If you're stuck for time and process, would you like me to fix your file structure for you?" I meekly said yes and fifteen minutes later, the spelling mistake in a critical file name, and one file at the wrong level were sorted.
I've been using Hostgator for about the last ten or so years, after my last hosting company also went out of business. I was very happy with how easy it was to upload my site and get it rolling, and their support has been very responsive the couple of times I had problems. I also run the site for my wife's business as a sub domain off of my main domain.
I'm a little IT savvy, but not at a sys admin level. I've been able to figure most things out on my own, and when I couldn't, they walked me though it.
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I've been using Hostgator for about the last ten or so years
Me2 I chose Hostgator on the advice of EZ Willis who used them for the Audio and Anarchy BBS. NO regrets...I believe A&A is still hosted by them...Rock solid and inexpensive..