New Native Instruments Double Bass

rob aylestone

I got the email and went and had a look, but spotted £89 as a price and this seemed a little steep. I noticed this wording.

Unparalleled realism​

Bring that professional session feel to your tracks with a selection of authentic articulations including open, muted, bowed, and flageolet techniques, as well as special articulations for slides and percussive playing styles. The engine includes realistic transitions and repetitions, with the option to dial in fret noise and vibrato for performances that are polished, expressive, and detailed.

Anybody spot the option dial in FRET NOISE????

All the demo material seems a bit strange for double bass folk like me - music where I would get out a fretless electric not my upright? DB through Leslies, manic octave stabbing disco stuff, and even the jazzier stuff is very untypical. Nothing remotely like the unique double bass sounds I like? They even murdered Autumn Leaves.

Here is the page with the music demos - what do you think. So many of them would have been better on fretless, and lots of them would be crazily awkward to actually play for real. None seem to go for tone, or technique - almost like they were created by non-bass players?
native page
It has its moments and for non-double bass players it's probably ideal. I do think the examples given on their page are a bit strange for double bass. After 8 years of searching for the ideal double bass VSTi, I gave up and just bought an actual double bass back in 2012. It hurts my upper body to play it sometimes, but I like its sound so the samples can, um, go forth and multiply !
I find the same - and I've got a gig coming up that is 2 x 60 mins! I'm having treatmentat the moment and the drug side effects mean crazy aches and pains if I stand up or sit down, and don't change - so I've been experimenting with a high stool and the DB on it's stand. That might hopefully work.

I actually like the two basses in the Native Instruments Factory Instruments.
I actually like the two basses in the Native Instruments Factory Instruments
Just as an experiment {and based on your recommendation some months back} I used the Kontakt one in the mid-section of one of my songs. It's OK but to be honest, I can tell it's a sample, even though I messed about with the EQ to try to make it sound authentic. I should have used my double bass, but I was kind of curious, having not used a sampled one since 2012.
I don't find it particularly close. There's something about a sampled double bass that just doesn't sound authentic to my ears. No offence to anyone, it's more than good enough for most ears, I reckon. But, and maybe it's because I'm a lousy double bass player and my double bass is a piece of cheapo wood with strings, as was my last one, but there's a crisp thinness and string vibration that sounds like someone is trying to emphasize crisp thinnesss and string vibration ! Prior to just buying an actual DB, I spent 8 years looking for a good sample. Trilogy was pretty lame. Sampletank wasn't much good, Miroslav Philharmonik and Garritan Personal Orchestra had good bowed DBs but not plucked. Many others too. I used the Danny Thompson bass samples for a few years but they had the same drawback as the Kontakt one. They were good, as is Kontakt, but.....
There are some things that just hit my ear. It's hard to explain. Most organs and pianos sound fine to me in comparison to the actual instrument. But trumpets, guitars, drums and double basses sound like emulations whereas as rough as the originals sound, the originals sound like what they are which is why I use them.
Did you find it close? I must admit I still turn to it - perhaps it's my playing, but it does sound like me!
There are about 6 songs I've done where I use a sampled DB as opposed to about 35 where I use the actual DB and for me, it stands out a mile.