Music I like, what do you like??

I was really into these guys when they started to the national scene a few years ago and this tune is still one of their best. The tunes before and after just seem to lack staying power for the most part

Yeah, that's pretty hot. Have the Jones but not the opportunity to blast like that anymore. Hate to think those days are over....who knows. Wasted gear I can't help to think sometimes. Ambition?...been there done it. Reunion, most are all dead. Crazy world. Rock on!
When Van Halen came out I was already married with two kids. I could never get into it. It seemed to me to be aimed at sex starved teenagers, I was long past that and it didn't do anything for me. I did learn to play hot for teacher because I knew how much the wife hated it!

16-17, first job at McDonald's, sweet young thing says meet me there, outdoor party. Lights shining couldn't really tell if from up or down. "Eruption", a Zep and Beatles fan, cosmic. Had no idea what I was hearing, but instinct, page was turned.

16-17, first job at McDonald's, sweet young thing says meet me there, outdoor party. Lights shining couldn't really tell if from up or down. "Eruption", a Zep and Beatles fan, cosmic. Had no idea what I was hearing, but instinct, page was turned.

I didn't dislike EVH, it just wasn't my cup of tea and I couldn't relate to the lyrical content at all. They are not a band that comes on the radio and I change the station