Linking 2 zoom recorders for 16 inputs


New member
Is it possible to link a zoom r16 to a r24.??
Or a r16 to a r8.??
Or does it have to be the same model to link two machines together.??
I have a zoom r16 and I found a good deal on a used zoom r24.. I know you can link two r16s up together and get 16 simultaneous recording tracks.. but will a r24 and a r16 work.?? I'm going to go look at the r24 tomorrow morning.. and if it all checks out probably buy it.. it's a pretty good asking price. But you know what they say .... coukd be to good to be true.. 😂..
Also when you link 2 if them together and record say all 16 tracks.. when you hit play will all 16 tracks play from the master unit outputs.?? Or woukd you have to have separate monitors for each unit.?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.. thx
Yes, you can link the two through the USB port. Use the HOST port for the master, and DEVICE port for the slave. With a 24 and a 16, you want the R24 to be the master. One machine becomes the master, the second will slave commands from the first. The commands to set the machines are in the manual, around page 33 of the R16, and page 37 of the R24.

The tracks will come out of the separate machines, it's only the control signals that are connected (play, record, stop, FF and RW). The proper way to mix would be to dump all tracks to a computer an mix with a DAW. It says that there can be a delay of 1-2ms between the two, but with a DAW that's a simple fix and likely that you would never hear 2ms difference. That's like standing 2 ft away.
Forgot to comment on the other question.... no, the R8 won't work. It only has 2 inputs anyway, so it wouldn't give you 16 tracks at once, which is the whole point of the exercise.
Thanks for the response..I actually went out and bought the zoom r24 yesterday morning.. and last night I did link em up and test out how things work.. although I only had a short printer cable for the test.. I want the slave to be at the other end of the room by the drum mixer . So I ordered a 20 foot printer cable from Amazon. And got everything else hooked up.. basically the r16 slave will be just for the drum mics.. and the r24 will cover vocal mics and amp cab mics.. each will have its own mixer and compressors.. I've had the r16 for several years now and getting pretty good results recording my band.. I'm still learning recording skills after building a home studio a few years ago.. thanks again for getting back