Info on Fender 4212 Proffesional Mixer

Bugz McNair

New member
Hello, I recently got an offer to buy a Fender 4212 Proffesional Mixer for $30. I looked at the pictures and it seems dusty, but not in bad shape. The guy says that it works fine, he just hadn't used it in years. I figure for $30, even if it's completely broken it's not that big of a deal. I looked online, but I have found no information about it other than a few pictures. Anyway to get to my point, I was wondering if anyone was familiar with this mixer, and could tell me anything about it. Thank you. :-)
Looked at some pics of it- from the eq's on the front, and the jacks on the back, I'd say it's probably a live-sound mixer, not recording. But at $30, if you are not embarrassed by the old-school look of the thing, you almost can't miss.
Thank you for the reply. In that case I think it will be a great mixer to use for practices. I actually like the old-school look of it. If anyone has more information about it, please chime in. If it's lasted this long with no problems, I'm pretty sure it's built well. But all information is welcome, positive or negative.
I should have said pirmarily for live sound. You will get at least 2 channels out, maybe 4, 6 or even8, from most live sound mixers.
Yeah, I'm definitely going to test it out for recording anyway. But don't live performance mixers typically give off a low hum or buzz sound if you try to record with them? I guess I'll find out. Thanks :-)
I've never used a live board for recording, so I would not know. I would not think that is typical, though- live boards are usually more robust because they get moved more often, at the expense of some sound quality, but I would think the noise floor would be about the same. But, like I said, never recorded with a live board, so I am just guessing.