How Sound Works (In Rooms)

On an unrelated note, where do I get a disc firing nerf gun? I might need to illustrate some acoustical properties to my unsuspecting wife and dog :D
Smaller rooms really will not benefit much from diffusion, though this does give a basic concept of how the problems arise. I wish it went into room modes and corner traps for lower frequencies...

This is more of a 'live recording' setup. But still informative either way.

---------- Update ----------

On an unrelated note, where do I get a disc firing nerf gun? I might need to illustrate some acoustical properties to my unsuspecting wife and dog :D

Yesss!!! :)
Just one note: Also small rooms benefit from diffusion if done correctly. One can use a 2D-Diffusor to quicker scatter the waves. This is a second class solution though. Absorbtion should be used instead and adding artficial diffusion with reflections. In a german forum a user discribed this method. He has a signal processor and a lot of loud speakers. Some directly point of litte diffusers.
This can help many new people to understand why so many on this board talk about your recording room:

I think this could be a sticky. You can re-post as just the video, but it is a nice simple video that explains a lot and does it well.

That was great.
This can help many new people to understand why so many on this board talk about your recording room:

I think this could be a sticky. You can re-post as just the video, but it is a nice simple video that explains a lot and does it well.

This is a fantastic piece of demonstration. thanks for sharing this!