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  1. PorterhouseMusic

    Gary Moore leaving his mark on Stand By Me

    So good...
  2. PorterhouseMusic

    Trump on Trial!

    Agree. All day long. Clinton, Biden.... whoever. Indict away. You won't find me crying "which hunt" or anything else. Because in not a partisan pussy.
  3. PorterhouseMusic

    Wow, this is a detailed eye opener

    More of Sachs' comments on President Trump: "This President has no sense" Sachs points to Trump’s policies, which he says are destroying “American global leadership, alliances, and interests.” Even while people try to make sense of the president’s strategy, Sachs writes, there is none...
  4. PorterhouseMusic

    PSA: Do NOT try this at home!

    Yes, I hear you. I mentioned it was "stupid". I stand by that comment.
  5. PorterhouseMusic

    Wow, this is a detailed eye opener

    Sachs: "And Trump is especially dangerous, because he incites bad behavior. He tells people "go out, don't listen to the warnings of the experts!" It's incredible irresponsibility by a national leader. In my experience, he's the worst president in our history, certainly in my lifetime. So this...
  6. PorterhouseMusic

    Wow, this is a detailed eye opener

    More from Sachs:
  7. PorterhouseMusic

    Wow, this is a detailed eye opener
  8. PorterhouseMusic

    How worldly are we.

    I'm 55. I started traveling with my father at a young age. Sailed the Channel Islands for a month at age 6 - just me and my dad. Skied most of the major resorts in the western U.S. at one time or another. Surfed some of the best beaches in CA and HI. Visited about 2/3 of the fifty states...
  9. PorterhouseMusic

    PSA: Do NOT try this at home!

    Riffing.... Back in the day - early to mid twenties - being in the air conditioning business... I always had an oxygen/acetylene torch kit on my truck. So, around the 4th of July one year me and my buddies decided that we'd make a bomb. The recipe was as follows: Approx. 2/3 pure acetylene...
  10. PorterhouseMusic

    Music I like, what do you like??

    Another one with Andy Fairweather Low, Nathan East, and the amazing Manu Katche' on drums.
  11. PorterhouseMusic

    Music I like, what do you like??

    With Stu Hamm and Jeff Campitelli:
  12. PorterhouseMusic

    Music I like, what do you like??

  13. PorterhouseMusic

    A Joe Biden Poll

    That's not true! The record here.... for anyone to look at.... for years now... shows that that is not true. He is reasonable, rational, and polite.
  14. PorterhouseMusic

    A Joe Biden Poll

    I don't think that's true.
  15. PorterhouseMusic

    A Joe Biden Poll

    You are not reasonable, rational, or fair. If you were - you wouldn't be asking me to produce "verifiable data". The information you're asking for is public knowledge. You are choosing to ignore it. It's a conscious choice you are making.
  16. PorterhouseMusic

    A Joe Biden Poll

    I don't believe you. He/they did these things. There are formal indictments detailing this. It's a choice you have made to ignore what is right in front of your face.
  17. PorterhouseMusic

    A Joe Biden Poll

    Another excellent point.
  18. PorterhouseMusic

    A Joe Biden Poll

    I agree. How and why would not everyone agree?
  19. PorterhouseMusic

    A Joe Biden Poll

    Did I mention that Trump tried to subvert the election results and you seem to be OK with that by admission? Not a good look, friend.