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  1. E

    The World

    Trojka: Superior Drummer is a beast of a program. I'm new to it still, and learning it. E-drums in general take a lot of tweaking, as I'm finding out over the last couple years, but they are pretty good once dialed in. I'll keep some of your suggestions in mind next time I get around to...
  2. E

    Sunset Rhapsody - mix feedback?

    Overall, I think it sounds good. I like the snare sound. Nothing 'glaringly' bad. I do find something about the low mid's a bit 'blurry'. I notice it most when the two hard panned rhythm guitars come in. Also, volume wise, It might be a bit quieter? I couldn't download the track to analyze...
  3. E

    The Cave was happening

    I remember. Back when the Internet was fun, and less of a wasteland then it is now. mp3 compression was something new even. When people had to know a little bit about computers to get by. Maybe even some electronics if they were so inclined. Not saying people don't know, many do, just not...
  4. E

    Been a long time...a couple new mixes (indie rock type music)

    I liked both of them. Great songwriting. 'You and Me' is my favorite of the two. The timing starts to fall apart near the end, but that's all fixable. I don't mind the non resolving on Snow Day. I'd have no songs if I followed music theory. Sound-wise, I like it. It's kinda lo-fi - but I...
  5. E

    Tell Me What You Wanna Do

    Totally. I battle this myself, as I also record MIDI via an e-kit into a DAW. You should have some way to adjust the velocity either at the drum module itself, or after, inside your DAW, or a bit of both. In Superior Drummer, I can adjust things much like this video, with a 'curve'...
  6. E

    Tell Me What You Wanna Do

    Really good song dachay2tnr. Catchy melodies, good chord structure, the whole 9 yards. I agree with TripleM about the drums. The kick is kinda hit and miss, sometimes it's quite loud, and then it just vanishes.
  7. E

    the sirens of the lambs

    Cool, sounds fun. You can PM me a link if you like, or post it here, whatever works.
  8. E

    The World

    Arv: Thanks very much for the listen. Looking forward to hearing your compositions! dachay2tnr: It isn't totally my genre either, but the singer I'm working with tends to gravitate towards the heavier rock kinda stuff, so I've been trying to write that way lately. Appreciate the listen...
  9. E

    the sirens of the lambs

    We are in opposite lands, it seems. I'm using brass virtual instruments that I don't like, while you have real brass that sounds great! You have guitar virtual instruments that you don't like, but I don't use because I am primarily a guitar player - so I can't suggest any. I'd be willing to...
  10. E

    the sirens of the lambs

    Wow, I could tell the lead guitar wasn't real , but then assumed (incorrectly) that most of it was sampled. You don't often hear real brass, at least in my Internet travels. You captured it very well. There is this sax player, that puts out his case every other day here in town. Playing all...
  11. E

    the sirens of the lambs

    Sophisticated composition with well arranged instruments. I like the long intro before the vocals enter. Mix sounds good, the stereo separation and sound stage is big. I thought maybe it was a bit low end heavy, but as a quick reference, I listened to Steely Dan's 'Dirty Work'. Your overall...
  12. E

    Round and Round

    The kick drum is late and the timing is off. Makes it 'sound' like a splice (to me), even though it isn't. The 3rd bar / drum grouping of the chorus. kick / snare kick-kick kick / snare kick-kick kick / snare kick ..... kick (late) The drums in general could be tightened up a bit, aside...
  13. E

    The Chair

    AI makes bots so much more realistic, at least it's good for something. How did they register on this site in the first place? Dragon, do you know?
  14. E

    Round and Round

    Nice song dachay2tnr. Something weird between 1:09 and 1:10. Can't tell if it is the kick drum or a splice or what, but the timing 'skips'. You have wonderful vibrato to your voice.
  15. E

    How to process this raw vocal track into this vocal track

    Just for fun. Kinda close, maybe not, dunno.
  16. E

    How to process this raw vocal track into this vocal track

    Compression, EQ, Delay and Reverb. The vocal phrasing reminds me of Viva Las Vegas! I'd name it Elvis.
  17. E

    Firewire to USB - Thoughts?

    Glad you got it up and running. I have a brand new, sealed PCI firewire card if it's of any use to you, don't want anything for it. It is a VIA chipset (VT6306) however, which seem to get a mixed bag of results. I have a customer who is running Delta 1010's on Linux. Years ago, I sourced a...
  18. E

    Question about a particular compressor effect on the HX Stomp

    Wow, you really dig into details, which is cool. You're dealing with a dynamic processor which is at the best of times, hard to hear great differences in settings, especially on an electric guitar (I assume?). Plus it's modeled after a real hardware device, so I wouldn't expect that much...
  19. E

    Dumb Mac question

    I've seen this scenario play out countless times in my real life job. Kids buy parents an 'Apple' thing, parents don't understand it, kids don't have time or interest to explain it etc. Apples a proprietary piece of garbage operating system even though it is pretty much Linux / Unix, but it...
  20. E

    Firewire to USB - Thoughts?

    I do understand the fascination with reviving old gear. I recently put my mothballed HD24 back into action, because I need it for a certain thing. Computer hardware however - It just doesn't stand the test of time. Too many things change, very fast. And being dependent on operating systems...