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  1. 60's guy

    Trump on Trial!

    You're throwing shit at the wall. No euphemism required.
  2. 60's guy

    Food gardening

    I won't be seeing a peach harvest this year (2nd year in row). Damn squirrels have ruined it again. Odd thing is once the peaches are on the ground, the f'ing squirrels don't eat em. 😡
  3. 60's guy

    Trump on Trial!

    Oh wow! Another laptop is up for investigation?
  4. 60's guy

    What have you never seen?

    I've never seen a conservative activist secretly record a liberal supreme court justice. 🤔
  5. 60's guy

    Trump on Trial!

  6. 60's guy

    Hi, I’m Scott Baxendale

  7. 60's guy

    Trump on Trial!

    I agree with you. America is still great and hasn't totally lost what its greatness truly is in comparison to other countries on planet Earth. Our extremely dysfunctional government still does dole out billions/trillions of taxpayer $$$ to assist countries throughout the world in times of need...
  8. 60's guy

    Political News of the Day

    President Biden believes we must secure our border. That is why today, he announced executive actions to bar migrants who cross our Southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum. These actions will be in effect when high levels of encounters at the Southern Border exceed our ability to...
  9. 60's guy

    Does anyone really think that Kid Rock wasn’t high or strung out when he bought his arsenal of guns?

    The signs outside of zoos warn people "DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS".
  10. 60's guy

    Hi, I’m Scott Baxendale

    I give up!
  11. 60's guy

    Hi, I’m Scott Baxendale

  12. 60's guy

    Hi, I’m Scott Baxendale

    That was my immediate thought!
  13. 60's guy

    Does anyone really think that Kid Rock wasn’t high or strung out when he bought his arsenal of guns?

    Why are you asking for a friend? Did he lose his laptop?
  14. 60's guy

    The Peaceful Political Roundtable

    Do you or do you NOT see it, for yourself, that your labeling people with opposing opinions to be "colossally ignorant", is just one of many reasons that Prime Time is facing permanent closure? Moderators and admin are sick and tired of attacks being levied, questioning the intelligence of other...
  15. 60's guy

    The Peaceful Political Roundtable

    Forgive me, your Honor.
  16. 60's guy

    Trump on Trial!

    Because I know what he does for a living, chatting with him privately.
  17. 60's guy

    Trump on Trial!

    He donated $50 of his hard earned $ to Trump and here you are chastising Seeker. I would NOT chastise you if you donated $1 to a candidate of your choosing. It's your choice and $1 to spend as you see fit.
  18. 60's guy

    The Peaceful Political Roundtable

    Nobody bothers? I have to disagree your assessment. Contrary to your opinion, I have a tendency to think that most people here would agree with me that the ups and downs of inflation directly align with U.S. oil dependency versus oil independence. Transportation costs of consumer goods is at an...
  19. 60's guy

    What's goin' on with everybody

    Provided you have an airtight grill. Big Green Egg.
  20. 60's guy

    What's goin' on with everybody

    Hard coal works best in that regard.