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  1. E

    Vola Guitars

    Anyone have or tried these guitars? I don't need anymore guitars, but you know how it is... I like this one, wish they made it in a 6 string. I've never played a 7 string before. Take one string off? :)...
  2. E

    The World

    Another song in progress. Might add an acoustic intro. The end is not worked out, not sure what I'm going to do there. Any and all feedback appreciated. Thanks for listening!
  3. E

    Opinions please.

    Bit of a rough mix, but would certainly appreciate feedback. Sounds a bit 'tubby', and lo-fi, but I think it has some potential. Previously, I was 'emeric' on this site, (still am in real life), but haven't posted in a very, very, long time. Thanks for listening to it!