Recent content by RRuskin

  1. R

    Post your album artworks.

  2. R

    Old microphones

    That's the 2nd generation power supply.
  3. R

    Old microphones

    The Sony C-37's & 38's are great mics. I was introduced to them in the 1970's. I prefer them to Neumann U-87's.
  4. R

    20-year-old Tannoy Reveals - should I replace them?

    Are you getting good results when you mix with them? If yes, keep them. Otherwise, shop around.
  5. R

    can anyone recommend 24 track hard disc recorder that interacts with 1995 analog mackie board

    I'm using RADAR 24s with my TASCAM 2600-32 with no interface problems whatsoever. Their old SCSI drives can be updated to solid state if desired.
  6. R

    Latency/Drift $50 reward for fix

    I would try all of the following: Turn graphics acceleration totally off. Don't let windows decide performance. Click the "adjust for best performance" option in settings. Set Audition's compatibility to your previous OS. Also, use a different drive than whatever drive your os and programs...
  7. R

    Tascam 2600m

    I have the 32 input version of this board. My only complaint is with the so-so performance of the mic preamps. They're quiet enough but are rather "soft sounding" due to poor transient response. Because of this, I use my outboard units for everything.
  8. R

    Tascam MS-16 Isolation Cover

    How hot does the deck plate get while the machine is in operation? If it gets warm to the touch, I would not cover it up with anything. If you have a remote, baffle the machine off once tape is loaded or move it out of earshot where the mics can't pick it up. If all else fails, get some...
  9. R

    ADK love?

    I have one of their 3-Zigma bodies with a 67 capsule and am very happy with it.
  10. R

    Tascam M30/Tascam 38-8

    There is no way the M30 would add any appreciable delay when doing an overdub FYI - once aligned, the 38 should be left in sync mode. The repro head is only used for ease of alignment.
  11. R

    Tascam 38 Tape Slip

    I'd check the pinch roller to see if it has a glaze on it and isn't gripping properly. Clean it with a good rubber rejuvenator. Do not use head cleaner.
  12. R

    Fostex g16c issues

    Do you have the user's manual? See if it has a "safe" mode that might be switched on.
  13. R

    Would switching from a hypercardioid shotgun to a cardioid pencil mic help reduce room reverb/noise?

    A corner is not a good place from which to be recorded, especially an untreated one. FYI - The corners are the 1st places I work on when trying to tame a room.
  14. R

    JBL 4311 Monitors?

    Believe it or not, no JBL engineer/designer had been to a recording session until the early 1970's when one was invited to one at Drew Recording on Lexington Ave. in Hollywood. I cannot remember his name but he shortly later designed the 4315 4-way monitors which is still considered among the...
  15. R

    JBL 4311 Monitors?

    The 4311 was an update to the 4310. I think that the tweeter is different but am not certain. I would still say that accuracy wasn't part of the design because as I recall, mixes done through them wouldn't translate all that well to other systems. 2nd guessing was the order of the day.