Recent content by RedStone

  1. RedStone

    AI Plugin for REAPER

    Neuron and EZ mix are two options. They both still require your judgement call on what sounds good. There isn't really anything yet I know of that will analyze an individual track and apply the processing the track "needs" independently of any other input. There would be a context problem of...
  2. RedStone

    Remixing old mono tapes

    hmmm. I might be able to recreate the vibe of EQ balancing + in a large room through some good speakers (that you could perceive listening in buds or a sound bar or whatever you've got). Would you want to explore that?
  3. RedStone

    What's the difference in recording/mixing/mastering between these two different music? Wide and crisp versus smooth and small

    It's a combination of mixing and mastering. Song A is tilted toward 12k brightness and has a sub-low bump to compensate. But it's balanced because it sounds good on many speakers, because the midrange is smooth. Song B is pretty balanced across the entire frequency spectrum to me. It will...
  4. RedStone

    What are general loudness levels for radio mastering

    That is very true. I've learned that FM radio runs everything through an algorithm that compresses and EQs the signal. But it's not by choice. It's a function of the bandwidth of FM signals. FM can transmit lossy stereo signals efficiently across very long distances (esp on clear nights)...
  5. RedStone

    Compensating for one's normal age-related high-frequency hearing loss...

    You could use pink noise (or a sine wave) to see what frequency you stop hearing during a sweep at a volume set while listening to your favourite song. To set that level, you could import a song (rip a CD, use WASPI mode in Reaper on PC, or use Soundflower on Mac. Turn down the master fader...
  6. RedStone

    Compensating for one's normal age-related high-frequency hearing loss...

    Start with balancing the low end and work up front there. Also, manage your hearing ... Esp in the low mids. If you currently hear low mids, cherish that
  7. RedStone

    Mastering Headroom

    Harmonic distortion is hard to fix I have learned how to fix it (and have fixed it for my clients) but it's better to not go there in the first place :)
  8. RedStone

    What are general loudness levels for radio mastering

    This is a tricky question .. you have to make sure you mix sounds good across all playback systems, or is optimized for venue vs home. I am interested in seeing if my ears can make that happen .. zero charge for one track as I'm very curious. DM me if you want
  9. RedStone

    Mix it - Burning Witches (metal/crossover) - Mix it

    I don't think there's much of a need to do a remix. The stems were good quality. Here's what I came up with as a first master. I referenced against some Underoath as the drum tones were similar. I tried to keep the crispiness of the original mix, but tamed it and did some work on the midrange...
  10. RedStone

    Mix it - Burning Witches (metal/crossover) - Mix it

    I think your tone is close and just needs to be tweaked. Could you post a WAV that is un-processed? I'd like to do a master and see if I can bring out all of the detail and punch of the track while keeping it edgy #edit ... now that I've downloaded, I see that this is a stem mastering situation.
  11. RedStone

    The Save My Mix Thread

    I'm not looking for tips, no. But I'm also not looking to soley fix problem mixes. I figure it's a way for everyone to learn more about mastering by doing it, and we can all learn from each other by communicating what we do to get results.
  12. RedStone

    The Save My Mix Thread

    I'm curious about mixes that have been problems and what mastering can do to fix them ✅ For example: Sounding good on monitors but not headphones Sounding good on headphones but not monitors Sounding good lots of places except the car (where other things sound fine) Not sounding good anywhere...
  13. RedStone

    Mix This - Ashen Cycle - Witnesses

    Thanks :) I did a third mix ... just to experiment with different clarity in the vocals and guitars, and messing around with the bass guitar and kick. Also did a bit more of a mastering attempt, but that's always tricky having also done the mixing ;)
  14. RedStone

    SPOTIFY normalization, anyone has experience with that?

    I made the mistake of buying into the new loudness wars, which is to master music to the specs of platforms. The truth is it doesn't really matter, unless making it louder sounds objectively worse than not making it louder - but that could be a user issue more than an issue with making something...
  15. RedStone

    Mix This - Ashen Cycle - Witnesses

    I'm seeing this late, but what a great song! Killer drumming too! I did a quick mix ... I was hearing some depth that I wanted to coax out of things. Not sure if I got there or not