Recent content by PorterhouseMusic

  1. PorterhouseMusic

    What's goin' on with everybody

    Sorry about that finger. I've worn form fitting gloves 100% of the time for about 20 years now. Being a guitar player... cutting, slicing, and dinging my hands eventually got old. I started wearing them regularly about the same time my band started gigging regularly and making some money. At...
  2. PorterhouseMusic

    Trump on Trial!

    That's an understatement.
  3. PorterhouseMusic

    What's goin' on with everybody

    Sounds like you on course sir. There's a good chance that a new capacitor will get you back up. Wholesale.... those motors are about $80.00. If it's OEM - they're usually quite a bit more. One more thing - there are some Trane condenser fan motors that have a non-standard motor mount. The...
  4. PorterhouseMusic

    What's goin' on with everybody

    If you do get a new run cap. and the motor still doesn't start - its shot (assuming you've got proper voltage and there's not anything else unusual going on - and there usually isn't). If you change the motor yourself- again - it has to be one with an identical rating profile: horsepower...
  5. PorterhouseMusic

    What's goin' on with everybody

    I'm a licensed air conditioning contractor. Ask anything you want - I'll do what I can to help. By what you've written so far - yes change the run capacitor. Not all - but most units these days have a dual run capacitor - which is two capacitors housed in one body. They are generally...
  6. PorterhouseMusic

    Looking for mic for live performance. Is there anything better than a 58?

    The only thing better than a SM58 - is a SM57.
  7. PorterhouseMusic

    Music I like, what do you like??

    Did I do this one already? Probably. Who cares. Crank it up.
  8. PorterhouseMusic

    Trump on Trial!

    I tend to agree. I wish our leadership was made up more of intellectuals. You know.... the smart people in the group. Not unlike how the founders and framers were some of the top intellectuals of their day. That's why I like Pete Buttigieg. He is wicked sharp.
  9. PorterhouseMusic

    Worst Recordings - post the stuff that you would rather forget.

    I can't tell if LSD would make that sound better or worse.
  10. PorterhouseMusic

    Death is a lucrative business

    It's too much, too fast, imo. Our development and harnessing of technology is outpacing our ability to use it wisely. It was not that long ago that we were running around in small bands (no gtrs, amps, or drums though) hunting and foraging. Advanced apes. Our unique ability with complex...
  11. PorterhouseMusic

    Worst Recordings - post the stuff that you would rather forget.

    That was the very first recording that I made with my then new Roland VS840- in 1998. My first digital realm recording.
  12. PorterhouseMusic

    Death is a lucrative business

    Yeah - I agree with all of that. Spot on.
  13. PorterhouseMusic

    Worst Recordings - post the stuff that you would rather forget.

    This is pretty awful
  14. PorterhouseMusic

    Death is a lucrative business

    I'd like to talk to my dad. I'd tell the virtual him how right he was about just about everything.
  15. PorterhouseMusic

    Pourquoi ?

    It still shows locked on my end.