Recent content by mfa

  1. M

    Broken Equipment

    Omgggggggg! So sorry that I was the catalyst for all of that!
  2. M

    Broken Equipment

    Has anyone ever broken the winged screw that tightens the pitch/swivel on a condenser cradle? Do you think these are sold somewhere, or must I buy a new cradle?
  3. M

    Logic Pro To Digital Performer

    must they be wav/aac? would the others NOT work?
  4. M

    Logic Pro To Digital Performer

    I recorded a song in Logic Pro at home. I would like to put it in drop box to be sent to someone who will open it and work in DP. What do I need to do in order that he will be able to open everything without issue??? I am a newbie, and I assume I want to "bounce the project." When I do this the...
  5. M


    That's good advice. Thanks. I would like to do it this way because I am a singer-songwriter and doing both at same time feels so much natural. Another idea I just thought of is to Play the guitar direct with 1/4 cable and sing into the SM57. Then go back redo the acoustic with the condenser. My...
  6. M


    Could someone please give me advice and best practices? I would like to record vox and acoustic guitar at the same time, but I may want to redo the vox only. I have a an SM-57 and an AT-4033. Please help.
  7. M

    Vocal Overdubs

    I want to record my acoustic guitar while I also sing, however, I realize that vox track might not be a keeper whereas the guitar probably will be. What are the work-arounds for this??? Newbie here. Perhaps this is an age old question. Sorry.
  8. M

    Two Headphones

    I have the Scarlet 2i2 interface with one 1/4" for headphones. That's fine for when I record alone, but suppose I want to simply play engineer while somebody else is playing or singing? How do I achieve this with only one headphone jack?
  9. M

    Cheap Studio Monitors

    I get it. Studio Monitors are sooo important. But I am just starting out and I need to get off the ground with a pair of speakers/monitors for like $100, of which there are plenty to be had. 1) What do you suggest? 2) I notice that some have 1/4" plugs in both, but some cheaper models have 1/4"...
  10. M

    Newbie: Basic of Basic

    Before I get into compressors, mics, etc, I'd like to start at the computer. What will I need in order to get all of the eventual crap into my laptop??? I have a newer Macbook Pro that hardly has any inputs. I assume I need some sort of expander/port/multiplier. I'd like to buy ONE now that...
  11. M


    What is an easy and affordable way for me to quickly get better sound? My producer is sending me rough mixes of my songs. I am listening to them on crappy desktop computer speakers plugged into a Chromebook (3.5mm jack). I am quite certain that I am not hearing everything that is going on. I do...
  12. M

    iOS - Simple Studio Video and Live Gig

    **for the purposes of making the required attachments for folk music festival applications, as well as adding content for fans on social media I would like to use my nifty new iPhone XS Max for video, and attach some sort of condenser mic (via the phone's one and only power+audio port). Is...
  13. M

    iPad w/ Garageband

    In a typical pro studio one might record guitar and vocals at the same time while using two, three, four, five + microphones. Is this possible with an iPad running Garageband???