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  • can you go read my post in the tascam forum see if you can help me out i know your the tascam guy around here and i just noticed your online
    Glad to hear man. You're on the right road.
    Didn't see the msg until now......stoopid visitor messages.

    You're still looking at newb girls through windows, huh Jim?
    Oh, I see. I'm here because I want to learn more about recording. I'm a musician, and I would like to know how to record myself. The equipment that I should have and how to use it. So many questions.
    Getting better man. Back to work and life as usual. Still bad days on occasion, but that is to be expected.
    LOL! Bud light. :D

    Just let me know man. I'm here every night, and usually weekends. Cuz, I live here. lol
    I believe that! Well if it weren't a blizzard here, I would have thought about doing it this weekend! Maybe another weekend soon I can try to get up there. I promised beer in my original post. Budweiser or Corona? Lol. Thanks again !
    Hey - thanks for the invite up to the studio! I think I'll stop in and take a gander the next time I'm up that way. I pop through Denver pretty regularly and if I can find some time on my next trip I'll catch you on my way through. I am going to wait a few months so I'm not such a complete Noob when I show up...
    Hey Jimmy. Im using cubase 5 and am having a hard time getting a good monitor mix when doing vocals. I am using and MXL v88 condenser through a PreSonus audiiobox. Im not sure if im using the control room monitor mix correctly. I am looking for a way to increase the vocal in my headphones without increasing the mix or the gain. I can do this fine when I am tracking my own vocals as I am used to it but I am recording a girl next week who has done this before and I want to make it as easy as I can for her. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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