Recent content by Farview

  1. Farview

    how to bring level meters to zero for recording? (cool edit pro 2.1)

    Are you using an asio driver, or the windows driver? If using the windows driver, it could be going through the windows mixer, which could be turned down.
  2. Farview

    Are clocks now dead?

    Used to much better effect at casinos
  3. Farview

    Are clocks now dead?

    The ubiquitousness of cell phones has changed a lot of things. Alarm clocks, dayrunners, calculators, etc... have all been all-but-replaced by phones. Airplanes used to have the screen that folded down from the ceiling so everyone on the plane could watch the same movie. Then it turned to...
  4. Farview

    Is the album now dead ?

    I don't think anything is dead, I just think that the expectation of a 10 song album has gone away. There used to be rules for how and what you were expected to do as an artist that were 'enforced' by the record companies. Somewhere in the 80's that turned into a one size fits all package...
  5. Farview

    Randy Bachman's guitars up for auction

    As someone who has spent the last decade or so liquidating my parents possessions as they pass on, it would be so much easier if they would have gotten rid of their stuff when they were alive.
  6. Farview

    Polar Response Patterns Not Working?

    Help with a problem from 15 years ago? Why?
  7. Farview

    Sound absorbing wallpaper (Sonic Wallpaper)

    The key phrase is "currently developing". They haven't done it yet. If they can come up with something, it would be awesome.
  8. Farview


    A minivan will generally have more/better ways of removing or hiding the seats in the back, whereas SUVs generally only let you fold the seat backs down. If that makes any difference to what you are doing, that could be the deciding factor. Most other things are pretty similar between the two.
  9. Farview

    If want to use the effects on my personal mixer at a venue where they already have a PA system, can I connect my mixer to the house mixer?

    Are you changing the effects for each song? If not, you could certainly just tell the sound guy that you like a hall reverb with a 2 second decay and a 440 ms delay.
  10. Farview

    Phasing when recording DI & miked simultaneously

    I will just move it in the daw. I would generally record the guitar plugging in, to make a sharp click. This gives you something to see to make sure you can line up the tracks. You will also be able to see if the polarity is the same as well
  11. Farview

    Higher Notes Cancel Power from Lower Notes

    It's the Amp Sim. You've ruled out the hardware.
  12. Farview

    Higher Notes Cancel Power from Lower Notes

    Does it still do it if you turn off the Amp Sims? Just trying to nail down what part of the chain is causing the problem.
  13. Farview

    Higher Notes Cancel Power from Lower Notes

    That is the Amp Sim doing that. Back off the gain until it doesn't do that anymore. If it does it without amp gain, it is the plugin that runs the Sim.
  14. Farview

    The Celebrity Obituary Thread

    TM Stevens, bass player for James brown, Joe cocker, the pretenders, Cindy Lauper, Tina turner, etc...