Recent content by famous beagle

  1. famous beagle

    New Song (Songwriting Feedback?)

    I just meant like a clear, intentional harmony part that's featured. As it is now, the female vocal just kind of sounds inconsistent in volume, and sometimes I can't really tell what it's doing exactly. I think that's a cool sound on its own, and I think it would be nice to have that in some of...
  2. famous beagle

    New Song (Songwriting Feedback?)

    Yes, major VU vibes on this one for sure! Nice vibe and soundscape. I agree it does sound as though there are a few little tuning issues with the instruments. This almost kind of enhances the VU vibe, but it might be just a tad bit too distracting, IMO. I agree a lot with Eric's comments...
  3. famous beagle

    GREAT vocal performances

    I could name so many Stevie Wonder songs from his 60s period, but I'll stick with this one for now. From the incredible effortlessness of his opening "hmm" double of the bass riff to the way he builds the intensity throughout the song, uses so many different vocal devices, all while being...
  4. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    I have no idea what you mean about backing myself into a corner. I'm talking about people like Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Lindsay Graham, Nikki Haley, not to mention most of Fox News. Ted Cruz: I mean ... do I have to say anything at all? They famously went at it furiously, with Trump...
  5. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    Great! And if he's proven guilty, then f*cking convict him! And if it comes out that Joe, Hillary, Bill, and Superman were all in on it, convict them, too!
  6. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    Please go back and look at what Republicans were saying about Trump before he got the nomination in 2016 - before everyone had to suck his d*ck in order to keep their job. They were telling you how they really felt then, and it was quite a different story than the crap they spout nowadays.
  7. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    I've said this before (as have many of us), and I'll say it again: If Biden (Joe, Hunter, cousin Lou, uncle Phil, whothef*ckever) has broken the law, then he should be charged with the crime and found guilty if the evidence supports it. If Hilary has broken the law - same thing. If Trump has...
  8. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    Seems ok to me.
  9. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    What was it the right was saying when black people were complaining about police brutality? If you don't want trouble with the police, STOP BREAKING THE LAW. Strange how they're not saying that to Donnie.
  10. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    No crime? Falsifying business records to influence an election isn't a crime?
  11. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    Not from what I've heard, but I could be wrong.
  12. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    This was a state case. The president can only pardon a federal criminal.
  13. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    Ok, thanks. But you're ok with him talking about sexually assaulting a woman? Just trying to find the threshold here.
  14. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    Fair enough. But how big of a piece of sh*t would he have to be in order to for you refuse to vote for him? What if he raped someone? Would that do it? What if he raped a child? Would that do it?
  15. famous beagle

    Trump on Trial!

    This is a serious question for the three who just said they're voting for him: @Sky Blue Lou @Seeker of Rock @Eric V What would make you not vote for him? You're willing to overlook quite a bit already, so what would put it over the edge and make you say you can't do it? For instance, my...