Noise from tRACKS 1 & 2 on track 3, 4


New member

I am new to this forum, and new to Tascam multi trackers.
I have a 424 mk1

I am recording some stuff, I was going to bounce it down to one track and do some more tracks.

The problem is I can't get past 2 tracks without tracks 1 and two bleeding into track 3.

I recorded a metronome on track one, and a scratch track on track 2, both of which will be done away with eventually,

I am running these tracks into headphone to play along with while I record lead guitar bass etc..

The problem is I can get tracks 1 and 2 to be independent of one another, but when I record a 3rd track the other tracks bleed onto it. If I do not use tracks 1 and 2 in headphones and record on track 3 with no volume from tracks 1 and 2 I do not pick up any of the other tracks.

I am not sure if I need to cue the other two tracks a certain way.

Any help would be much appreciated,

I am sure I;m just being a complete amateur and there is a simple solution.

thanks, Zac