editing on dp 03 sd


New member
Does anybody know agood way of getting your times more precisely with the in and out points ,it all seems a bit hit andmiss and alot of time adjusting back and forth. Cheers
I just recorded two new songs with 1 acoustic and 1 vocal using internal mic-B for both. The acoustic tracks had about 10-15 seconds of lead time cluttered with noises from moving the guitar.

I played back the recording, watching the display counter and could see almost exactly where the noises stopped and the guitar began. I rewound to beginning, then cut out from 00 00 00 to 1 second before where I thought the guitar would start. Played that back to check it. Then I just repeated the cuts, trimming off the last numbers by increments until I got it. That last set of numbers ranges from 0 to 29 (I'm not sure what these represent.. frames..?).

At first, I thought this process as long and complicated. Now I find myself using both hands and breezing through. This is why I like Tascam.

Anyway, I always leave plenty of room in front of the song at the initial recording so I can have room to cut. Trimming the end, I just use the Input Trims at the top to slowly fade out. If you don't bump anything, these will give you a clean fadeout - unlike dropping the sliders or pushing a button. Those Internal mics pick up every little touch of the board. Other inputs won't have that problem.
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Press home and use the dial to select the time, the recorder doesn't have to be running to select in and out points