2488 neo and external effects hook up and routing


New member
Hi everyone,

I am a newbee to digital recording and am having a heck of a time getting my outboard reverb to work with my 2488 neo. I have researched information on a lot of these forums but still can't get any sound on my recorded tracks or even any signal on the input of my TC electronics reverb. I'll try to recreate the steps that I'm taking and maybe someone can tell me where I'm losing it.

1- I have recorded tracks on -1, 2, 3,4,6 and 7
2- I am cabling my effects sends from the back of my 2488-effects send 1 and 2 to the back of my effects input left and input right.
3- From my efx outs left and right T go to open channels 5 and 8
4- I push the send button on my 2488, and a effects screen appears with efx1 efx2 and efx3. From what I understand;1 is for onboard, efx and 2 and 3 are for outboard efx.
5- This is where it starts to get cloudy for me, I button down to efx2 and then assign to tracks 5 and 8(my open tracks) to 3 and 4 my vocal channels. I rotate my dial to turn my efx up and nothing happens. There is also no input signal on my processor.

I have been stuck here and I have tried all sorts of different combinations and nothing! I know that my processor is good because it works on my PA system.
Can someone please help this old guy just coming into this digital age?

Thanks a lot it will be greatly appreciated
I haven't messed about with the effect sends on the unit yet... but, have you tried going onto an individual track (say track 5) and checking the send on the channel itself... ??
Hi Kung Foo Elvis,

Yes I have, but to no avail. I think that my main problem is the routing technique. I just don' have a clear picture of what is translated to this subject on these forums. I'm sure that I'm missing something that should be right in front of my eyes but I just don't see it.

Thanks anyway
It sounds like you have your sends and returns cabled correctly.

Press the SEND button for the tracks you wish to send thru your effects modules (e.g. your tracks 3 and 4).

When you hit the SEND button, you have three sections: LOOP, EFF1 and EFF2. EFF1 and EFF2 are used for external sends. You need to set the soft switches for the EFF sends to either PRE or POST fader, then adjust the LVL controls so that your effects are receiving a signal.

The effects should come out on your tracks 5 and 8 when you do this.

See page 32 of the Neo manual.

Hope this helps a bit?
Good luck. I have had Tascam on the phone and email and they can't seem to figure out why what you are doing doesn't work, which is the same way I am doing it, and it also doesn't work. Why did they mess with the old design, which functioned just fine? Techidiots.