cubase and tape sync


New member
I am trying to sync cubase (sx2) to an 8 track half inch deck (tascam trs-8). I have tried a Philip Rees box, the TS1 but it does not work. The sync drifts. I am acquirinfg a different box on Monday, a Midiman Sync. If this works I will be a happy bunny. Is there anyone out there who has experience of this or who knows the answer???

Tearing my hair out................

sixties - years ago i too tore my hair out on this sync issue. i feel your pain.
been there done that. i'll give you a tip i found. it seems sometimes the level the sync tone is recorded at seemed to make a difference. dont know why.
sometimes hot sync tones seemed to work , other times a bit lower.
i tried all sorts of solutions and frankly some days it worked others it didnt.
i'm also a tecchie computer engr. i finally gave up after much frustration
and went all pc daw. i know this isnt necessarily what you want to hear - but i concluded i didnt need the pain in my life and the variations in tape playback (which i think is the real issue). i was in my case trying to fatten up drums etc using tape. so a trick i ended up doing was outputting the drums from the daw to a tape machine then back into the daw
before i added many other tracks. just an idea.