Cubase SX 3 - Change varying tempo audio to a fix tempo


New member

I have an audio file with slightly varying tempo.
I'm not working with tempo track (I have fixed tempo) and I would like to make the audio file follow that fixed tempo.

What is the easiest way to do it? I know how to make a tempo track with the warp tool but I don't want it.

Thanks a lot,
No there is no easy way.

The way you would do it (if SX3 does it, I don't remember if it even existed in SX3, it probably did not).

1. Time warp the tempo track to match the track.
2. Make the audio "musical" in the inspector.
3. Flatten the tempo track.

What I said sounds easy, but in reality it would probably take around a half hour or more to do (probably more like an hour if your looking at a sausage track).

Even if it could be done automatically (which in some programs it can if your dealing with drums that have easy to detect peaks) your still dealing with the uncertainty of the program analyzing the track to stretch it right.