Cubase Logical Editor - Drum Programming


New member
Hey folks, I'm looking into the logical editor in Cubase to perform some sort of a function where I can process every other selected MIDI note. I'm trying to mimick a drummer by having the odd hits on snare/tom rolls be lower in velocity than the others.

Does anyone have any experience or info on how this can be achieved?

Much thanks in advance :D

What exactly are you trying to do? I'm pretty good with the logical editor for midi events.

I don't know of any way to process every other note, the logical editor doesn't work that way. You can process specific notes though like beat 2 every measure kind of thing (or beats 2 and 4).

Something like every beat on quarters 2 and 4 randomize velocity values between 80 and 100.

If you can be more specific I can probably help you achieve what you want.
I guess I was to late with my reply. I figured out how to do what you wanted though.

You have to be specific when talking about the notes you want to automatically edit within each specific bar though. Every other note is not specific enough, you have to say something like every other 8th note or 16th note etc... then you have to tell it what you want to do like add 30 to the velocity, randomize the velocity between 80 and 110 etc...
Hey, sorry about the huge delay in replying. I read your response when you posted it, I'm wondering if you could break it down into steps, I'm not too sure how you're going about selecting the bars, selecting quantise resolution, etc.

Here is a picture of what I'm trying to do: Say I have a double kick part that goes on for a little while, I found that varying the velocity of every other note makes it sound more human. But instead of having to manually select the notes, which can be click intensive depending on how much machine gun action is going on, I'm trying to figure out a way to get Cubase to automatically select odd notes for me, then I can use the logical editor to vary the velocity of the selected notes within a certain range.
select every other note.PNG

Thanks for getting back to me :)
Got it let me get back to you. So in the above you have 16th notes and you want to randomise the velocities within a certain value starting with the 2nd 16th note and skiping over each as you go?

Are you wanting to do anything to the red notes?

And the reason you have to know what values you are working with is because cubase doesn't have a "select every other and randomise velocity" type command. You have to specify the notes you want to dick with. So actually let me create a preset or something....
Yeah as good as I am at cubase stuff I have no idea how (or if it's even possible) to export a preset for the logical editor but here is how you do what you are trying to do:

Feel free to tweak anything you see here as I'm sure you get the idea. Make sure it says OR as it defaults to And when setting this up. I did all the other 16th notes but you have to scroll down to see the last one as it didn't fit on screen. Anyhow I'm sure you get it from what I am showing here.

Yeah as good as I am at cubase stuff I have no idea how (or if it's even possible) to export a preset for the logical editor but here is how you do what you are trying to do:

Feel free to tweak anything you see here as I'm sure you get the idea. Make sure it says OR as it defaults to And when setting this up. I did all the other 16th notes but you have to scroll down to see the last one as it didn't fit on screen. Anyhow I'm sure you get it from what I am showing here.

There is actually a wee problem with this, although its effects are likely to be minimal due to the type of edit. When mixing ANDs and ORs, the list of ORs should be nested in brackets. Otherwise the second and subsequent ORs (here Inside Bar Range 100 134 onwards) would be applied to EVERY event in the track (controllers etc), and not just notes. The correct format would be (Type is Equal Note AND (Position Inside Bar Range 335 391 OR Position Inside Bar Range 100 134 OR Position Inside Bar Range 558 647 OR ... )). Double close bracket "))" at the very end. One of the double close brackets is to pair with the very first bracket on Line 1. The second one pairs with the open bracket on line 2 - these nest the ORs. As said, in this case the effects will likely be minimal. But if the format was for example to be used to colour groups of tracks in the Project Logical Editor, more tracks could be re-coloured than expected. And if the un-nested format was used to delete things, things could get deleted which were not supposed to get deleted.
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