Volume-Induced DAE 9073 errors?


New member
I'm starting this as a new thread but it's really a continuation of "consistent freezing" thread from a few days ago. I've been getting DAE error around the same point in a song when recording drums. 6 tracks (2 oh, 2 tom, snare, kick). Never had any problems before, but changed the room around and now this problem. So, to update, I tested it the other day with me playing drums and no problem at all. My drummer, who's a very hard hitter, gets back on and boom, freeze up again at the same place. This place is where he's really going to town on some crash cymbals. Again, I play basically the same thing, no problem. Finally, I tell him to use the crash that's furthest away from the overheads and to try and play a little softer, and lo and behold we get through the entire song with no errors. What's crazy is that none of these levels on any tracks are clipping. So....does playing volume have anything to do with DAE errors?
It shouldn't have anything to do with it. Um.... I think that Pro Tools needs another error code: DAE -9xxx occurred. Planet alignment not supported. Please try again later.

The culprit is usually when Mercury goes into retrograde. I got the one where Pluto went into retrograde a while back.

Seriously, I feel for you. I think you will have to take advantage of the wonderful technical support for a small fee.

Check to see if you have elastic audio disabled. It should be set to "disable elastic audio on new tracks". The problem is that the DAE error codes aren't in the manual and the messages are useless unless you know exactly what they mean. It's a shot, but try the elastic audio thing.