Certain Tracks Not Playing Sound When I Load Saved Project...


New member
When I load my saved project it is playing sound from all but one track. The recorded data was still being recognised but just not audible, volume is all the way up everything seems to be normal... so I thought maybe the specific plug-in had stopped working and I downloaded a different one, C+P the data to the new track and it worked fine, but then I realised another track had just completely randomly stopped working a few hours later and now every time I load the project there seems to be an audio failure on just one random track.

Fairly new to home recording so any help would be hugely appreciated!
When I load my saved project it is playing sound from all but one track. The recorded data was still being recognised but just not audible, volume is all the way up everything seems to be normal... so I thought maybe the specific plug-in had stopped working and I downloaded a different one, C+P the data to the new track and it worked fine, but then I realised another track had just completely randomly stopped working a few hours later and now every time I load the project there seems to be an audio failure on just one random track.

Fairly new to home recording so any help would be hugely appreciated!

Try posting this to the Reaper forum ... Cockos Confederated Forums - Powered by vBulletin
One of the great strengths frequently-touted about reaper in this forum is that there are many ways to do a each task. This makes trouble-shooting kind of awful tho...

Possibility 1: Something is failing - try re-installing Reaper, transferring your projects to a different computer, double check that none of your data files are missing.
Possibility 2: Your track got muted somehow - check the track mute option, right click on the specific media item and look through its options to ensure it isn't muted, select the item and hit f2 to check it's volume, each media item also has a dragable volume control at the top, select the track and press v to see its volume automation and make sure it's not turned down there, check your track routing settings to ensure that the master send option is on, make sure nothing else is soloed, probably 3 or 4 things I didn't think of.

Good luck!