Micron arpeggiator: SERIOUS limitation????


New member
So I love my Micron, BUT: The arpeggiator seems to have one very serious limitation: When synching via external MIDI, each time I hit the key, it starts a new "1" for the arpeggiator. This seems bizarre and anti-intuitive. With my Nord lead (and any vintage synth with an arpeggiator, and ableton Live's arpeggiator etc) when you're in synch mode, it waits for the external clock to give you the beat. It surprises me that this is apparently not the case with the Micron. To me, this almost as bad as the arpeggiator not being synchable, because if I hit off of the beat, it's going to be off the beat for as long as I'm holding to keys. Latch mode is actually almost worse, because if that first time you hit it you're off, it's off for as long as latch is on... Is there any way around this/??? VERY frustrated.