Never used a DAT recorder before

5150 Musician

New member
I'm beginning to expand my recording studio and was wondering if a DAT recorder is nessesary for bringing the levels up in my audio recordings or not? I would appreciate someone who knows about them to give me some advice.. thanks.
I have 2 dat machines that I haven't even turned on in 3 years. This is really old technology, it is only 16 bit, the convertors always sucked. Any computer with a 24 bit soundcard is a much better storage medium. The only reason I keep my dats is because I have so many tapes that I might need to access in the future.
Makes plenty of sense... so what you're saying is that its better to store the music at the best samplerate possible.. even though its just going to go down to 16\44.1 once it hits cd? i'll just start using my Terratec EWS 24-bit mastering soundcard with Sonar 3 for mastering, thanks.