XP-60 Recording Question


New member
Hey everybody - I recently bought the SoundBlaster Live! Platinum card so I could record digitally with my Roland XP-60...but I'm not sure how to go about recording digitally. The MIDI works fine, but with MIDI, I can only use GM sounds and no others.

I also have a Fostex FD-4 Digital 4-track. I'm wondering if, in order to record digitally, I have to go from the keyboard, to, the 4-Track, to the Live card....

Can anybody help a newbit out? I'd really, relaly appreciate it. Thanks!
Maybe I don't understand what you are asking, but you should be able to go out of the outputs on your board and into the inputs on your soundcard. You should be able to hear this coming through your speakers then. Then just click record on your favorite recording software and voila. Sorry if this isn't at all helpful. Why are you only able to use GM sounds via midi with your setup?