VF160 EX and external mixer


New member
I've been using a VF 160EX for several years now and would like to attach an external mixer to it for greater flexibility of having all the individual channels on the mixer with their own sends/returns/ etc. Is it possible to attach an external mixer to my 160 and if so how do I do that. I'm sorry if this has been covered in another thread but I could not find one. Thanks.
i've been thinking about this too. I record our band rehearsals and would love to have more control post recording, and with a drum kit, guitars, keyboards etc to be able to directly record more than 8 tracks at a time would be a great help. So what I'm looking for would be a not too expensive 16 track mixer that connects to the VF with a minimum of fuss....
does anyone what kinda of mixers hook up to the vf160 to control recorded sound through mixer during playback each track and the eq aux etc??????????????