US 2x2 Issues


New member
Hello, novice at home recording here. I just purchased a US 2x2 to record guitar for a metal project. I'm running my guitar directly into the 2x2 and using reaper with an amp sim. However, anytime I hit the string there's a click, echo and reverberation. It's not once, it's every single time I hit a string. I have it on the instrument input and the signal isn't clipping on the interface or in the DAW. I've tried things like disabling the wifi card, disabling the onboard sound card, reducing the buffer size but those haven't resolved the issue. I tried other standalone amp sims and I'm having the same issue as in the Reaper. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, thanks!
Seems I had something like this when I first got my 2x2 a few years ago. I can't recall what it was or what corrected it.. think it may have been the Monitor Balance (Input/Computer).. something like it was all the way to Computer and there was a massive delayed signal that sounded like a mix reverb buss panned to one side. Well, something like that. I just kept playing with the knobs until I got a straight signal. There may be other settings in the 2x2's (software) mix panel needing adjusting too.
Seems I had something like this when I first got my 2x2 a few years ago. I can't recall what it was or what corrected it.. think it may have been the Monitor Balance (Input/Computer).. something like it was all the way to Computer and there was a massive delayed signal that sounded like a mix reverb buss panned to one side. Well, something like that. I just kept playing with the knobs until I got a straight signal. There may be other settings in the 2x2's (software) mix panel needing adjusting too.
I discovered that it’s definitely what you are describing and I think it also might have something to do with the headphone Jack. I’m using an adapter so not sure if that what’s causing it but I recorded a few samples and there’s no pops or anything when I listen to them back through my computer.
You didn't mention what computer system. On my Windows 10 Home, I also had to go into Sound Settings and set a few things up. Sometimes the computer's soundcard has to be disabled so the 2x2 can be used as the main soundcard, otherwise you may hear conflicting signals due to latencies.

Here's what mine looks like. It doesn't have to be exactly like this, but this is what's working for me.

Sound 1.jpg

Sound 2.jpg