Too much bass? Sorry for 3 in as many days

Your drums are the major issue. Kick sounds bad. The whole drum track was uninteresting and did not gel well with the guitars and bass.
Not remotely my kind of music - but as a 'non-believer' maybe my comments are kind off unbiased - and just based on the very short exposure I have to this music genre. The kick drum just sounds like a machine gun. Not being funny, but is it sequenced? I just can't imagine that even with a double pedal that level of consistency is an easy thing to play? It just sounds very thin. I didn't think the drums sounded a major problem oddly - but maybe I don't know how the genre really should sound? Bass was for me a bit lost in places? Probably as a non-expert you should place little emphasis on my comments, but overall - I found the bottom end light. I can't tell if this is a balance or an eq issue?
yeah im having a major issue getting the bass right. The drums are samples from SD3 from Gene Holgland who basically is a machine gun on drums so yeah ha ha. The drum kit is sampled from Metal producer Andy Sneap Kit 3 in SD3
In the held chord parts of things (0:39-0:53 and again towards the end), there are a few spots where it sounds like a compressor is going nuts and massively ducking the guitar.

So with metal like this, there seem to be two trains of thought on the bass. One is that it's just an extension of the guitar; in which case, you have it mirror the guitar parts and don't give it a lot of definition.
You seem to be treating it as a distinct instrument with its own parts tho. Which means it probably needs more mid range. Right now, it's just a low rumble without many distinct notes. If you boost it a little in the 600 range, the notes will come through more clearly, and you won't need to have its overall volume as high.
Not remotely my kind of music - but as a 'non-believer' maybe my comments are kind off unbiased - and just based on the very short exposure I have to this music genre. The kick drum just sounds like a machine gun. Not being funny, but is it sequenced? I just can't imagine that even with a double pedal that level of consistency is an easy thing to play? It just sounds very thin. I didn't think the drums sounded a major problem oddly - but maybe I don't know how the genre really should sound? Bass was for me a bit lost in places? Probably as a non-expert you should place little emphasis on my comments, but overall - I found the bottom end light. I can't tell if this is a balance or an eq issue?

That machine gun double kick is a thing...I don't get it. To me it sounds unmusical. For my money whoever invented it did more to wreck metal than anyone who ever lived with the exception of the Cookie Monster.
I talked it up - I had a job come in - adding titles to wrestling theme music, and guess what - loads of machine gun kick drums and other weird stuff. Wonderful way to spend a few hours. aaaaaaaah
Thanks so much man thats the kind of info Im after VomitHatSteve. No point on commenting on a mix if your not into the style of music in the first place.
Different strokes for different folks. I actually like and play a wide variety of music just so happens Im doing a bit of this stuff now. Im not an elitist when it comes to music just want to get good mixes. Sure as hell wouldnt go for the same drumkit sound if I was doing other styles I play but thats the style for this particular song. Not to say its mixed good.. not remotely which is the purpose of this forum I thought.
Thanks so much man thats the kind of info Im after VomitHatSteve. No point on commenting on a mix if your not into the style of music in the first place.

You're welcome.

There is some value in non-fans of the genre critiquing your mixes. Since they have to to listen a little more critically (i.e. they are unlikely to just enjoy the tune), they can have a bit more objectivity, and they'll be listening for different things than a fan would. (Assuming they can hear anything other than clicky, machine-gun kicks!)
Hey Bro, just got to take crits with a grain of salt, especially when your bringing something that is a little more extreme than classic rock or song-writer material. There are so many genres represented at this forum though that you will usually get some great constructive criticism from people who have no desire to listen to your particular style and taste in music. Like VHS said, they might actually be your best allies...

As far as your tune, I grew up on stuff like this...yes your low end is definitely lacking. When mixing tunes, one thing to consider you want the kick to dominate the bass? or the other way around. Metal like this usually involves the thin snappy kick(which you have) and the bass usually then brings in the lower frequencies. So don't be afraid to EQ the bass to so that you can actually hear it below 120hz or so and leave the kick in the upper lows/low mids so you still hear the snap of the beater. Like was also stated you can bring a little more definition into the bass by bringing up around 250hz and higher just enough to hear it. Just make sure its notched out where that kick is sitting.
EQ'ing bass is not something you will learn overnight....I have spent countless hours trying to get it all to sound right on anything I try to mix. It sounds like it would be easy, but getting it mixed right so you hear both the bass and kick clearly AND not getting mud can sometimes be a challenge.
Thanks so much guys I feel if I can get that bass sorted Im getting there. Yeah The kick style is whats for this but it does still a bit thin. When Im tracking the bass I here defination I hear the notes Im playing its just when it gets into the computer it looses all of that. And dont worry Im not upset because its going to be a total different ball game when recording a different song in a totally different genre. Just so happens Im in more of a metal phase at the moment. So love any comments that actually push the mixing skills foward and honestly compared to early stuff it slowly is
Some pretty good guitar playing. Decent tone. Probably an amp sim? The tone and distortion are pretty good. I just wish there was a little more chug or "umph" to it.

Overall the mix is lacking a low end. It could use a bass part and a stronger kick. The cymbals are getting killed by Sound Cloud. Really swirly.

But again, great playing.
Didn't read above comments.

The drums sound very dry/up front, and they're not mixing in well with everything else. They sound like they're in a completely different room than everything else. I actually like the guitar tone, particularly the open strings/chords... nice tone there.

I'd spend more time mixing the drums, getting them to sit with everything else.
Didn't read above comments.

The drums sound very dry/up front, and they're not mixing in well with everything else. They sound like they're in a completely different room than everything else. I actually like the guitar tone, particularly the open strings/chords... nice tone there.

I'd spend more time mixing the drums, getting them to sit with everything else.

Yeah man, the drums need the most attention. Get them right first.

Start with the kick. It is like an old school typewriter. Get that shit punchy and not clicky. The click only needs to cut through the mix. Not dominate. If that makes sense...
Yeah man, the drums need the most attention. Get them right first.

Start with the kick. It is like an old school typewriter. Get that shit punchy and not clicky. The click only needs to cut through the mix. Not dominate. If that makes sense...

Cool man the funny thing is i rerecorded another track from ages ago with the same bass sound and can hear defintion it seems as soon as i try to eq or filter or compress i loose it and I know you cant just leave straight up bass in the recording without allocaing its own frequencies and it does need work its just that I can here it on the other recording

Any ideas frequency wise to get it punchy? the kick that is
...and I know you cant just leave straight up bass in the recording without allocaing its own frequencies.

.. why not? If you got the right sound going into the mix, it's surely possible. The closer you get it going in, the less surgical work there is to do later on.