That Hip Hop sound


New member
Dear Forum,

I'm trying to find a Hip Hop sound, but the scales and chords I'm playing just don't give it to me.
I've been asking all over the place if anyone knows some of the scales/progressions that are used to come up with a "true" Hip Hop sound(Not none of that sample B.S.)
There have been a few great Hip Hop Artist that didn't use samples.
The only thing I can come up with for now, is maybe a Jazz type of scale. Can anyone help?
Thanks for any replies.

It seems to me that mostly seventh and minor chords are used in today's hip-hop (rap?)..
If you can give me an example of an artist you are trying to sound like, or are influenced by, I could tell you further.
I dig a lot of albums, so I will name albums of Artist that influenced me and started out being pretty compositional.
"The Coming"-Busta Rhymes; track 3 especially
"Nocturnal"- Heltah Skeltah; dig the whole album
"Like water for chocalate"-Common; some samples but not to many in the composition makeup.
Just to name a few. I'm influenced by so much, that I know there is a way to come up with original music, and in the Hip Hop area.

Let me give you a little background info... With hip-hop there are no chords or progressions, hell there isn't any notation either. Basically if you want a hip-hop sound you need to concentrate on your drum sounds... that's the main thing with hip-hop music. Once your drums sound right, you can do ANYTHING you want on top of it. My point is don't bother trying to use music theory to to a hip-hop sounding song... Because hip-hop never adhered to the rules of music theory.

The only tip I can give you is that if you find yourself asking things like "Is this in 4/4?", then stop throw the rule book out and continue when your head is clear.

That's my rambling for today,

I know. But you remember how in the Shaolin Kung Fu movie, where the monk passes all of the chambers, and then he says to his Master/ Teacher, that he wants to create a new chamber.
Don't quote me on my inspiration, but I want to create a new chamber. And it can be done. Hell, it seems as if every other music is evolving and why shouldn't hip hop.
It may not get "Puff Daddy" sales and publicity, but it would be definately something interesting to listen to.
Mayeb not a full composition, but thought, expression, color.....etc.
I know how to program drums. I am learning more about programming drums. I have easily made a fat drum beat, and just drag and dropped the midi information to another channel, and it sounded cool, but no thought. Hopefully with some theory I can drag and drop that same info., but at the same put interesting chords that lead to nice sound with that beat banging.

Tha 36th Chamber.

Go ahead, knock yourself out. Make a new chamber. But make it good.

If you want to create that new chamber and it is to be your chamber and nobody elses, it has to come from your heart. If you have the groove with the drums, Start with your instrument of choice and start playing what ever comes out. The nice thing about recording your own music is that if what you recorded does not work, try something else. But most important, play what comes to you from your heart. It will be a masterpeice.

Well TRAK,

It's kinda funny you know, because there are a lot of things that I am learning about music in general, and the very little of it that I know really helps in putting together any type of song, especially while I'm creating my new chamber.
Knowing what tempo, how many measures in the tune-which helps to because then you can cater the beat around that, and make it more personal to the song.
I think I have it pretty figured out as far as, how to play it, or how I think it should sound.
But you know basically I'm just developing my playing style, and when inspiration hitsm I will definately post it out on my webpage. I'm also working with a song with my friend rapping behind it, it has interesting chords progression in it etc.
I will post that there too.

Keep in touch bro!