Stageworks CC12 Condenser mic.


Active member
Hey guys, hope you are doing fine.

Have you guys ever heard of the Stageworks CC12 Condenser mic? Well, I bought one a year ago and didnt really paid much attention to it, until now. I tested it out on my voice, and its amazing. Its supercardioid and its proximity effect is way less noticeable than a normal condenser mic (say, my MXL for an example).

Well, the problem is...I feel a little bit insecure, since I cant find any information about it on the internet and I'm willing to make it a regular mic for general recordings I make.

Anyway, could you guys give me your opinion about it?

Here is a picture of it (I think its a very beautiful mic):

There's an old axiom in the music business...if it sounds good, it is good.
If you like the way it makes you sound. Use it and don't worry about opinions...just sayin'
There's an old axiom in the music business...if it sounds good, it is good.
If you like the way it makes you sound. Use it and don't worry about opinions...just sayin'


I don't know that mic, but this is correct.