Sony Acid 7 - Saved FX Chains - How to import


New member
I have been using Acid for a while. It's a love/hate thing for me but I've got just too much work saved so I'm sticking with it.

I recentl built a power house machine and reinstalled everything new. My system is perfect. The problem now is I have a large collection of packaged chains that I use often. SOny saves these as a sfg file.. for example (sweetwetlead.sfg) might be the packaged name I give to a setting of effects so that I can reapply that exact effect some other place and time.

Well, I can't get these effects to show up in my new sony install. I can find no method of importing them. I tried to just copy the packages to the same directory as a sample chain I made (just so I would know where they were saved) and they copied fine, but sony can't see them.

Does anyone here know how to transport effect chain packages between installations of Sony Acid?

I've been working on this for 4 hours and I'm lost. Any help would be appreciated.
I just found this out by asking on the Acid Pro Forums. They provide a preset utility. It is availble in our free downloads area, under utilities. I do seet his is from a couple of years ago, but hopefully it may help you and others.
im not sure.. have you gone to preferences and set up an exact location for where the effects folder is located?