Search: 'Plug-ins' = Gazillion posts and No answers


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I used the Search engine, read many, many posts, downloaded several Plug-ins but still haven't found an answer.

I'm looking for Plug-ins to use while recording my drum kit. Specifically, a Compressor, EQ and Reverb. I use Reaper (some of the Cockos plug-ins aren't too bad) and a MacBook Pro so the download must be OSX compatible. There are so many plug-ins out there and so many recommendations it seems impossible to try them all out and most that I have tried are either very expensive if purchased, downloads incompatible with OSX (.dll) or really not that good sounding freebee's.

Would it be possible here in the Drums and Percussion Forum to get your guys suggestion for 3 Plug-ins that you recommend for Compression, EQ and Reverb for recording Drums? Free would be great but if you say the only good ones are payware then that's fine too. I've cleared out the tons of useless plug-ins I've downloaded over the past and would like to end up with just a few that work and that's it. Thanks!

Free: Nothing I know of that is OSX 10.6/10.7 compatible. ReaComp seems good though (just played around with reaper, seems like they include some decent plugs actually)

Cheap: There is both This and This


Free: I used to know of some really cheap ones that were actually good, but they seem to be gone now. ReaEQ seems pretty good for a stock eq though.
Cheap: DDMF: VST plugins, AU plugins, audio software


Free: Again, the one in reaper seems decent.
Paid: Visit mellowmuse again and have a look at IR1A, decent cheap impulse loader reverb. I have no suggestions for algorithmic, I personally have paid quite a bit more for reverb plugs than I have for most others.
My personal favorites that I use are:

EQ: URS SSL eq or Nomad Factory Pultec
Compressor: URS 1980 (SSL based) or Stillwell Transient Monster
Specialty: Slate Trigger
Reverb: SIR 2, usually with some sort of plate verb impulse

Another suggestion if you just want to shell some cash and get it over with is Izotope's Alloy. You would still need a reverb (and I can't recomend SIR 2 enough, it's a killer convolution reverb), but this was a really nice plugin. I only gave the demo a go, but dug it a lot. If that was all I had to mix everything (and a reverb and delay) I wouldn't complain.
Also: Just a FYI (if you didn't know) OSX Vst plug format is .vst

In other words, the extension actually makes sense. lol
My favorites for drums (and most other things) are stillwell.

The rocket comp is great for snare and of the best I've used.
The Rocket | Stillwell Audio - It's About The Sound

Bombardier is the best buss comp I've used. It really gets drums to sit together really well, and it's amazing on a master buss.
Bombardier | Stillwell Audio - It's About The Sound

If you use Reaper these are great deals...If not they're ok deals.

For EQ I just use ReaEQ. Most plug in EQs aren't really colorful, so using a nice transparent one like that is just fine. Plus it doesn't strain the computer. I don't think you'll find too much better.

Reverb, I'm in the same place as you. I'd like a nice reverb with a plate for vocals. Stillwell's Verbiage is a nice room verb for drum and guitar buss.
Verbiage | Stillwell Audio - It's About The Sound

But, I'm planning on building a dedicated recording PC just for the plugins...then again, I'm happy with what I've got, I just wish I could get a good organ plug for free.
Thanks! Seems I've tried a gazillion plug-ins, some are ok and some are better than others, most all of them free or demo's. Since recording my drums is something I really enjoy I wonder if I should just buy one of the pay plug-ins, as expensive as some are, and be done with it. Has there ever been a Poll done on Favorite Payware plug-ins (for recording drums)? That should be my next Search.