Reaper or Ableton?


New member
Hey folks - I'm trying to set up a little bedroom studio deal, probably looking at a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 and an AKG C214. I have a 64-bit Windows 10 running on a Dell Inspiron N5110 with 6 GB RAM. I'm trying to figure out what DAW to use - given all this would you go with Ableton or Reaper? I don't need any of the live or MIDI capabilities of Ableton - I would be strictly using it and Reaper to record, mix, and master - but Ableton seems potentially more reliable and have more "professional" capabilities than Reaper. This is for a "solo project" of sorts that will require a lot of overdubs. Thoughts? Or will I just probably not really go wrong with either? Thanks so much!
Unless you are going to use the special features of Ableton (I own the software), I would go with Reaper and use the price different for good quality plug ins. I like Ableton, it has its place, but if you are just going to do traditional recording, I wouldn't recommend it.
I spent a few afternoons with Reaper last week as my version of Sonar started acting up and I was in fear of losing an entire project I needed to wrap up. I too do what most would just call "basic/traditional" recording and found Reaper did everything I needed. I did get Sonar reinstalled and running solidly again, but honestly the work flow in Reaper made more sense for my approach. And yeah, $60 is really hard to beat.