Quran recording


New member
I'm looking to buy a mic. I'm only going to be using it to record "Quran" (I've attached a sample if you don't know what that is)
I want a very good sounding mic, but don't need "the most professional, best studio mic ever" since I'm only using it for that one specific thing. i rather not spend more than i have to, but im willing to spend a little more to get a very good sounding mic.
ive considered the rode ntk and the sm7b

while keeping in mind the intended application, please suggest the best mic for the following price catagories:

also what is the best preamp to go along with your recomended mic.
quran on rode ntk >>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkYAl99s_m8


For spoken word projects, I'm not sure that there are better mics than the Shure SM7b and EV RE20. Both are modestly priced, and are used in radio station booths all over the country.
If you okay with getting a USB mic, you can get a good voice mic for < $300. If you don't opt for a USB mic, you will need an adapter to connect it to a computer for recording.

For the USB, the Rode NT USB is a good choice.
Few questions.
Is it talking or is it singing?
Is that you in the video? If so, what's wrong with the Rode mic you're using?

I'm a big fan of dynamic mics for a few reasons.
A big one is that you can get very close to them without issues which means the ratio if source to room reflections gets tipped and your recordings sound drier and closer.
If your room sounds bad, this helps a lot!

The downside is that you'll need an interface with decent preamps to make sure you've enough gain and noise isn't going to be an issue.

If you plan to do voice work long term the sm7b (or re20/md421) would be very a solid investment in my opinion.
<$300 hands down sm7b.
$300-$600 - m audio sputnik.
$600-$1000 - either c414 or rode K2
$1000+ - u87

I am using sputnik on my home studio and it sounds great on male vocals.

But sm7b through ME-1NV pre would be nice.
i wouldnt call it "singing but deffinatley not talking. (see the attached file)

no that is not me. i posted it to give you an idea of what kind of sound i plan on recording, so you can give me the best mic recommendation based on that.

Oh, ok. Cool.
Really any half decent mic is going to do the job. Whether it sounds nice with your particular voice and environment is a different story, but no one can really advise.

If your room sounds bad you'll want a bunch of absorption. If that's no good then the best mic is the one your closest to, which is part of the reason I love dynamics.
Like I say, an sm7b with a decent preamp (interface) is never likely to let you down.