Quick help please on used purchase of DP008 before return deadline OCT 13th 2017


New member
Hello Tascam User Community,

I recently bought through an online retailer a DP008 and still have time before return deadline. Of concern, the Input A & B Trim knobs seem have a lot of wiggle movement back and forth.

Is this a typical with use and not necessarily a potential problem (i.e. eventually causing connection breakages).

The unit appears in very good shape otherwise: The previous owner kept the box and manual; plus, it has included power supply at about $70--a fair deal if not likely to have any issues with the Trim knobs . . . some of the others knobs have some wiggle in them, too.

Of question, is this normal (not an issue)? I am hoping what occurs with normal usage these small knobs tend to become a little freer in movement in this respect but not cause problems. Your experiences shared and advisement offered please.

(I intend to use such a model for guitar practice, using it for playback of other instrumental tracks. The $70 is something I budgeted.)

Most gratefully, Jeff Fletcher.
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When you say "back and forth", do you mean turning the knobs back and forth - like a loose Volume pot on a guitar banging around when you turn it, or pushing/pulling them without turning? Without turning them, do they wiggle in place. Make noises? If you shake the DP008, do you hear rattles or other noises?

Those knobs should be as snug and straight as the others. None of the Tascam products I've purchased over the years have had problems like this. Still.. it may have been dropped or had something dropped on it which may have caused other, unseen, internal damage.

I'm using a DP-03SD and all the knobs are perfect - no movement other than smooth rotary.
Can you pull off the pot caps and see if the pots are secured with a nut? They most likely are.
If so, they've probably come loose and you could tighten them.

If that's the case and you don't intend to open the unit, turn each pot all the way to minimum and hold the shaft there whilst tightening the nut.
That'll prevent the pot body from being able to rotate inside the unit, putting strain or the wiring/PCB mount.
Just don't go over-tighten if you're doing it that way. ;)

I returned the DP008 and bought an DP008EX model--same issue, same knobs/pots. I can see some distance between the knobs and the body of the unit, as if either it is a matter of wear that is allowing for movement or the nut issue you mentioned. I tend to think it may be loosened nuts as these are the main knobs used, Trim Input A&B.

Since the DP008EX has gone up to $250, and I bought this for $80 used, I'd like to keep it but avoid what you mentioned about the pots' movement leading to connection breakage.

Although not technically experienced, I am not opposed to opening the back of the unit if I can get to the pots' nuts that way, but do you have any suggestions on how to remove the knobs if trying what you first mentioned of removing them and tightening the nuts that way? My concern is that the knobs seem very securely attached; if I pull on them I can glimpse the circuit board raising up, so I am afraid I might break something.

If you had the back off this type of unit, can I get to the nut easier that way? Is it just a matter of using a pair of needle nose inside the unit while holding the knob in place while tightening? (This is working from inside the unit, I mean.)

Thanks, Jeff Fletcher.

P.S. I do apologize, it is a bit unfair to put you in a position in which I might by my own clumsiness not well follow your instructions; I know you'd feel badly if such happened. I believe I will contact Tascam support and ask about the issue; it may be the knobs and can be easily removed for nut adjustment or replaced. I have 45 days before return to retailer. I am glad I did not buy new on this model new since this seems to be a common issue. Just last year, these were selling at $140, then bumped to $170, now major retailers are selling them at $240, in line with Tascam's price increase as I was told by retailer. Thanks for your willingness to help, but it is an unfair spot to place you. JeffF.
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Hi Jeff,
I should make it clear that I don't know that model or unit at all so anything I say is speculation rather than direct advice.

Potentiometers on units like that often push through the hole from inside, then get secured by a nut on the outside.
The cap that you touch is pushed on to the shaft and obscures the nut from view.

Are you able to remove one of the caps without much effort?
If so, does it look like this underneath, with a visible nut?

If not, or if the pot cap wont come off easily, then it's probably just a different setup. Sorry for misleading you! :p

Please don't force it. If I'm wrong, I'd hate you to damage your unit further on my advice.

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Hello Steenamaroo,

No need to apologize at all; your advice would be practical if I were to have kept either unit. The pictured knobs pictured are those on these models. However, when I applied a bit of pull on them to see how easy they may come off, they did not seem to want to give; in fact, I could glimpse the circuit board being pulled, so I was afraid I'd break the board.

If I broke it the unit, I could not send it back like the first one ordered and returned; therefore, I chose to send the latest back as well. (As you mentioned, the great amount of wiggle may break a connection at some point, and I am not able to do technical work on a unit.)

I am tending to view these small units as having a certain duration of usability, which is fine to the extent their prices balance with reasonable length of product life.

Interestingly, last year, the DP008EX was at $140, jumped to $170, and now is at $240. The EX model is a fairly recent introduction, so it looks like their expected life may not be worth the price hike, especially for those not able to make simple repairs--but then, too, why should the consume be in such a positon. (I was told by a sales rep at a major online retailer that Tascam was pushing the price increase not the retailers; I do not have a problem with supply and demand affecting price so long as the duration of product life verses price is reasonable.)

For my need of putting practice material on a playback device and recording my progress, the DP006 bought new may be worth a few years of usage; I see them new online at retail stores for $130. However, as a matter of principle I will look at Boss as well.

I hope my new DP24SD is more durable. (I bought a Gator padded case for mobile recording travel and a dust cover for my workstation, so I intend to treat it well.)

Thanks to you and the other gentleman for your help in my making a decision to return the items. Its nice to be a part of such a forum; I hope to contribute more as I grow in skills.

All the best--JeffF.
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Hello Steenamaroo,

No need to apologize at all; your advice would be practical if I were to have kept either unit. The pictured knobs pictured are those on these models. However, when I applied a bit of pull on them to see how easy they may come off, they did not seem to want to give; in fact, I could glimpse the circuit board being pulled, so I was afraid I'd break the board.

Understood. You did the right thing!
From your description the pots may simply be PCB mounted with nothing securing them to the faceplate/chassis.
It may even be that the pot caps screw off (rather than pull) but if you could see the board then the above is true and I guess they would be susceptible to weakening/loosening over time.

I hope my new DP24SD is more durable. (I bought a Gator padded case for mobile recording travel and a dust cover for my workstation, so I intend to treat it well.)

I hope so too! Please let us know how you get on with it!

Thanks to you and the other gentleman for your help in my making a decision to return the items. Its nice to be a part of such a forum; I hope to contribute more as I grow in skills.

All the best--JeffF.

Not at all! It's good to have you. :)
Update after recently buying a new Tascam DP008EX. There appears to be the same amount of play in a several of the knobs with some much firmer than others. Whether this proves to affect the duration of service is remains to be seen. I'll keep the new unit and just be careful, handling the controls with due care.

Thanks for support in helping me to be sure by returning used one before policy deadline back in OCT of 2017. At least I can be sure this is not a wear issue as thought to be the case with the used one I returned to retailer--perhaps future readers may want to know. Again, thanks--JeffF.