
If you're smart, you don't. You *can* hook up a MIDI keyboard to Au3, and you can record stuff, but the problems you will inevitably encounter will lead you to conclude, like everyone else that has tried MIDI in Audition, that it's better left alone. I record MIDI in Reaper, which is good and cheap. I then convert the midi file to a wav file and import it into Audition, which is a great program for everything except MIDI.
+1 to what Dobro said.

Audition is excellent for recording, editing and mixing audio--but the MIDI implementation is just a bit of an ineffective afterthought.

I don't do a lot of MIDI stuff but when I need it (usually to use somebody else's stuff) I handle it in Sonar, convert to WAVE then do my final mix in Audition.

I use it all the time. You just have to learn the bizarre interface. Also, I always render my midi file down to wav before I move on, because if you mess with the Midi settings or device sometimes the midi track recognizes those changes and the file doesn't play back the way you intended.