The Peaceful Political Roundtable

Should Alito be OK blaming his wife for flying the flag upside down?
Should Menendez be OK blaming his wife for taking bribes?
Looks to me like Trump is building up some momentum. What can Biden do to swing the tide?
The news outlets have to have a tight race or no news and no money. We have been voting for the same two political parties for over one hundred and fifty years expecting different results. Does anyone really think it will be any different this time around?
Indeed. I watched Tim Scott refuse to answer the question "Will you accept the results of the election regardless of the results". To me, that is total sycophant and disqualifying.
Lake has a similar history, but I have not seen her confronted.
Why should he answer such a question before the election has taken place? If they have valid reason to suspect dirty dealing it's within their right to question it. Kari Lake had solid reason to dispute the election - among other things her opponent was overseeing the election and refused to recuse herself, the signature matching process was a joke. Unfortunately because of a weakly worded statute it met the legal requirement.

But I realize you prefer candidates who take showers with children.
Should Alito be OK blaming his wife for flying the flag upside down?
Should Menendez be OK blaming his wife for taking bribes?

Should Biden's wife be OK this guy running and possibly leading the nation for 4 more years? Stability and well-being of the nation aside, for what's left of his own health, it's not an easy job. He is obviously not well. There is an "and" before this bizarre statement he is making about being VP during the pandemic, perhaps there is a broader context, but I can't see it. But even if so, as President and leading this nation, negotiating on its behalf, diplomacy with at times unsavory characters, there is no way in hell an inability to connect a thought into rational verbal communication suggests he is up for the job. One misspoken word or disconnected expression of a thought could result in international implications. War, a loss of confidence from allies. How anyone can watch/hear him speak and say, yes, that's my man for the job is beyond me. Unbelievable.

I think it’s a great idea. It would be hell to institute as there is a spiderweb of different taxing systems in place that I doubt the government would willingly give up.

I’d however tax everything and anything you bought. From a yacht to a house, to a car down to a donut.

Now going on the premise of a government by and for the people it would be fair and good for us.

I think the various local, regional, state and federal governments would lose some money, but fuck them. It’s about time they learned to live within their means. Just like the rest of us.
I’m a fan of the national sales tax idea. Many years ago I read Neal Boortz’s “Fair Tax” book and it made sense. There are some challenges: you’d have a lot of black markets pop up to avoid taxes, and the advantage would probably diminish as other nations followed suit. We also might just end up like European countries where they keep the income tax and add VAT.
Should Biden's wife be OK this guy running and possibly leading the nation for 4 more years? Stability and well-being of the nation aside, for what's left of his own health, it's not an easy job. He is obviously not well. There is an "and" before this bizarre statement he is making about being VP during the pandemic, perhaps there is a broader context, but I can't see it. But even if so, as President and leading this nation, negotiating on its behalf, diplomacy with at times unsavory characters, there is no way in hell an inability to connect a thought into rational verbal communication suggests he is up for the job. One misspoken word or disconnected expression of a thought could result in international implications. War, a loss of confidence from allies. How anyone can watch/hear him speak and say, yes, that's my man for the job is beyond me. Unbelievable.


Oh, okay, no comment, just change the subject? No citations? I'm not going to look it up, but I'm pretty sure unlike what Biden says in the clip posted, Biden was not VP during the pandemic. Oh well, I guess it's just normal signs of aging, no need for concern. Democrats, putting the dem back in dementia.
Oh, okay, no comment, just change the subject? No citations? I'm not going to look it up, but I'm pretty sure unlike what Biden says in the clip posted, Biden was not VP during the pandemic. Oh well, I guess it's just normal signs of aging, no need for concern. Democrats, putting the dem back in dementia.
OK I’ll comment. The Biden gaff is indeed a bit concerning, it he was kinda an idiot who made things up even in his prime. However, I don’t see a consistent, repeated pattern of confusion as is the case with Trump. How about him confusing Carrol ( the woman he sexually assaulted as found legally by a jury in court), the woman who is “ not his type” with his ex-wife of 12 years? (It ended when she found out the orange scumbag was having an affair with Marla Maples whom he confused with Carrol).

How can you defend this slob is beyond me. Unbelievable.
OK I’ll comment. The Biden gaff is indeed a bit concerning, it he was kinda an idiot who made things up even in his prime. However, I don’t see a consistent, repeated pattern of confusion as is the case with Trump. How about him confusing Carrol ( the woman he sexually assaulted as found legally by a jury in court), the woman who is “ not his type” with his ex-wife of 12 years? (It ended when she found out the orange scumbag was having an affair with Marla Maples whom he confused with Carrol).

How can you defend this slob is beyond me. Unbelievable.

For someone who boasts of intelligence, reading comprehension does not appear to be your strong suit. There was no defending of anyone on my part. I expressed the questionable judgement of the wife of Biden apparently believing it in the best interest of the health of her husband to once again run and possibly serve four more years as President. All other factors not withstanding, I certainly question the judgement of anyone casting a vote of confidence as it were in his ability to adequately perform duties of perhaps one of the most mentally exhaustive jobs one could wish for, arguably the leader of the free world. A patriot? Unbelievable.
I was kinda hoping to leave the insults over in the other thread. I started this one for a more reasonable discussion of political matters. If you want to hate on Biden or Trump or each other maybe you could do it (some more) in the other thread?

One thing about Sanders, he has been saying the same thing for 40 years. If you don't filter through a political lens, much of what Sanders stands for is normal in most 1st world countries. But the Two Party's dislike Sanders as they serve the corporations who made their political ruling class lives possible. Since our "Democratic" elections are money based, I see this going on forever.
Well, apart from a little name-calling and mud-slinging, this has been a most refreshing thread so far. I almost thought I'd wandered into the "Grandma knits and shows old-time recipes" thread.
I actually enjoy civil disagreement because then, one has to be smart and sneaky about how one is mean and sarky. Much healthier and funnier.
How anyone can watch/hear him speak and say, yes, that's my man for the job is beyond me. Unbelievable.
How it runs Michael, is that not everyone thinks like you or looks through your lens. Some people look at the picture in the round, see some things in Joe as Pres and the Democrats as a party and are appreciative of what they've been doing and think that another 4 years will do the country good.
How can you defend this slob is beyond me. Unbelievable.
How it runs Breathy, is that not everyone thinks like you and sees things through your lens. Some people feel that Donald did some beneficial things for the country and themselves during his 4-year tenure and thinks more in step with a great slice of ordinary people than someone who has always been part of the political machine and as such are willing to put aside whatever accusations have been put his way, at least until proven guilty.
Hey, I didn't bring any insults or lack of self control to this thread, none that didn't follow me here, insults and spam video. A legit point I presented, competency to perform the job. Others are free to comment, roundtable style, or not. I'm not responsible for others actions.

Carry on.
I was asking about possible Trump VPs though...
Are vice-presidents important to you guys ? Over here in the UK, only once in my lifetime has the deputy taken over when the PM has quit or been ousted and that was in 1976 when "Ah-aaaaahhhhh Mr Wilson...." {George's 2nd best song on Revolver} resigned. Most of the time the population here hasn't a clue who the deputy is. I remember John Major's dep in '92, I vaguely remember Liz Truss' dep in '22 {because she was a woman I'd never heard of} but when Boris Johnson was close to death during Covid 2020, his dep was Dominic Raab. I'd known of "Dick & Dom" for some years, but I didn't know he was the deputy. He only stepped in until Boris was back.
With LBJ and Gerry Ford, it seems to have been, at least in the past, much more historically relevant. But is it really important to you ? Is the running mate a deal breaker for you ?
Hey, I didn't bring any insults or lack of self control to this thread, none that didn't follow me here, insults and spam video. A legit point I presented, competency to perform the job. Others are free to comment, roundtable style, or not. I'm not responsible for others actions.

Carry on.
Michael, you impugned half the population of your country because you don't agree with their view of your president. And that half of the population are represented here. When you talk about competency to do the job and put it in the terms you did, you, by extension, extend that to anyone who votes for said president.
And in fairness, I called both you and Buddah for more or less the same attitude.