playback drag


New member
maybe its me but i swear when i play back somthing i record it sounds like its dragging..hmmm....vs880ex

[This message has been edited by ZBQ (edited 08-24-1999).]
I don't see how that is technically possible, considering the recording media. It's a self contained hard drive unit, not tape of any kind. Now, I'm not saying it's not happening, I'm just saying that it doesn't seem likely. ;) If it's happening it could be that the 880 drive is going bad and can't read the data fast enough. I would think that this would show up in terms of loss of sound quality and things dropped here and there, since it's digital, but who knows.

Does it sound this way on all songs? Do you still have the demo songs on the unit, and if so, do they sound this way too? How bad is the dragging sound? Like a little change here and there, or more like a record played at the wrong speed through the whole song? I have no idea what this might be, but maybe we can figure it out by going over all the possiblities.
Just a guess, but have you hit the pitch control setting by mistake and had that added to the songs auto settings (that is--is it digitally stored as is the mixers setting or scene)? Just a possibility.