Performing live from your bedroom.


New member
My friends and I have had some fun using an open-mic **** meeting to share songs and poems and stuff.

I wonder if there is any wisdom I can pass to these people to the best audio (and video) from their rig? which will, in the most part, be built-in mics.

I guess these mics have been configured for close up speech, not someone playing guitar and singing from 6 feet away.

I'm also very interested in sharing notes about how to configure these online open-mic sessions, notes on software, what's easiest. etc.

If there's a better place to post this, please admins feel free.

Are you using Zoom?
In the audio settings menu, turn off 'automatically adjust volume'.
Click on the 'advanced' button. In that screen, enable the 'original sound' feature. disable 'suppress persistent background noise' and 'suppress intermittent background noise'.
Back in the meeting screen, there will now be an option in top left of screen for 'original sound', select it (box will turn blue)

When using a microphone for a strumming guitar (and other instruments with a lot of notes/harmonics), the mic picks up the sound of your speaker - so a slightly delayed guitar sound, but it does not pick it up consistently, (otherwise there would be a feedback loop) so you end up with a phasey sound. Easy solutions: turn off speakers when you are 'live', or use headphones.
The best most-consistent sound I have heard from people in Zoom is when they use a dynamic mic on vocals (close mic) and plug in the guitar, of course this requires an audio interface with 2 inputs.
One feature of zoom, if you have a paid account, is that you can record the 'meeting', so I have experimented different methods with just myself in the 'room', and recording it.