Panning Sends in Cubase Artist 6


I set up a pan automation on a track that has two send effects. When I automate all the way to either side, I still get audio on both sides. I could create separate fx tracks and pan on those, but there must be an easier way to simply do it on the audio track, right? I don't want to have a ton of redundant fx tracks. Can anyone guide me on this?
Forgive my lack of acumen on terms, I tend to make up my own. What do you mean by sending them to a sub group?
Sub group = a 'bus'. Your two fx's, are they on a bus? If they then feed your master bus, that would be likened to a sub bus then. The terms are sort of interchangeable, except the term sub group typically is used to mean when you are combining and controlling several sources under one fader rather just an fx for example.

To add another layer or angle on this.. If you were to send tracks and the outputs of some fx to a bus, you could call that a sub mix. :)
In Cubase: Project>Add Track>Group Channel. Name it something sexy. :)

Then send the output of the tracks and/or effects channels to that sexy group. You can then automate the panning in the way you want.

You can do that in the 'Inspector' window or in the channel edit window (when you hit the 'e' button). At the top of the window you will see the output for the track. Send that to the group track and do your automation there.

I have Cubase 7 now but this should be the same. I think.
Thanks very much for the elaborations. I am out of town, but when I return home, I'll re-read this when in front of Cubase. I especially like the recommendation for sexy reference. The term "wet" is often used innocently with effects, so I'll have to be more creative than that... perhaps "juicy" instead? I recall some tutorial videos which address group channels on Cubase. My challenge is that unless you work with this stuff daily, it's so easy to forget.

I hope you guys will not mind if I come back with follow up questions in a week or two as I move forward upon returning home.

Thanks very much once again, you sexy mentors!