
New member
Hi, newbie to Omnisphere here.

I've created my own audio sample, but I have no idea how to save it, where to save it, or how to get to it after I've saved it. Watched a bunch of tutorials, but they never go into this.

I don't have a USER folder in my libraries pulldown directory as well.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
You'll need to tell us exactly what you have done - you say you created an audio sample, but most times you will create multi samples so saving involves sets of samples. It's a bit like Kontakt where you have your samples, layers and a patch to control what each note actually plays - the ranges, and the switching for example. Usually you would then save the whole thing as a multi, using the usual save as function. I'm not remotely a confident Omnisphere user as it on a colleague machine, I've got Kontakt. I think there is also a box pops up that lets you add tuff, like text that allows you to build up text search with keywords.

We need you to explain what you've done and what you've tried. As far as I'm aware you can create complex file structures that let you save your libraries wherever you want them to be.

I think somewhere you may have missed something vital - I'm not certain youtube is a reliable alternative to reading the manual. Youtube's good for the weird features but they ALWAYS gloss over basics, assuming people always set them up the same - and they don't!