Multimix 4 Buzz on all inputs


New member

I use Logic X
MBP Retina
Presonus 5" monitors
Alesis MultiMix4 USB (shortened to mm)
Axiom 49

Seems like everyone is complaining about USB mixers. I have searched and not found anything convincing outside of stay the effort away from USB mixers and purchase a good pre

I have an Alesis mixer mm. When selected as output only the sound is clear with nothing but operating noise. As soon as I select the Alesis as an input device there is this buzz that jumps on and I have NO idea where from. I have isolated the console and mac (both power and signal) as well as ground and lifted in different combinations. Both are clean on their own but together weave a dance off buzz. It matters not if I have the mm output selected when I select it as the input.

I have attempted to contact Alesis and the person that helped me told me to try it on another mac (which I did) but would not move past that point as if they could not understand what I was writing. Needless to say I am not going to rant or vent my anger/frustration but I would like to get this thing working as i purchased it and threw the box out in my earliest anticipation and thus cannot return it. But I am willing to cut my losses with this and move on as it really is not worth the trouble and customer service sucks...(insert best expletive).

I even purchased a USB isolator to see if there was an issue with the signal that the mac was sending and even that failed to fix the problem.

I am hoping that someone can help with this issue.